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DECAF Web Apps Deployment Action

  1. Builds a DECAF Web App based on branch, tag and deployment path.
  2. Deploys the built app to the remote server.

Required Secrets

Set the following secrets in your repository or organization settings:

  • DEPLOY_HOST: The hostname of the remote server.
  • DEPLOY_USER: The username of the remote server.
  • DEPLOY_KEY: The private key of the remote server.

Required Parameters

  • app_name: The name of the app to build.
  • remote_host: The hostname of the remote server.
  • remote_user: The username of the remote server.
  • remote_key: The private for the the remote server.

Optional Parameters

  • sentry_org: The Sentry organization to use for sourcemap uploading.
  • sentry_project: The Sentry project to use for sourcemap uploading.
  • sentry_token: The Sentry token to use for sourcemap uploading.
  • build_folder: The folder to deploy. Default is build.

Deployment Type Arguments

There are four types of deployment: production, staging, preview and version.

  1. production and staging are both based on the main branch.
  2. version is also based on the main branch but is deployed to a different path (e.g: v.0.1.0)
  3. preview is also a boolean flag. When this is true, the deployment is deployed to a path that is like preview-XXX where XXX is the pull request number.

Example Usage

name: Deploy

    types: [created]
      - main
      - "*"

    runs-on: ubuntu-18.04

        node-version: [16.x]

      - uses: actions/checkout@v1

      - name: Use Node.js ${{matrix.node-version}}
        uses: actions/setup-node@v1
          node-version: ${{matrix.node-version}}

      - name: "Build and Deploy"
        id: build
        uses: teloscube/decaf-webapps-deployment-action
          app_name: demo-app
          deployment_domain: ""
          production: true
          staging: true
          preview: true
          version: v0.1.0
          remote_host: ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_HOST }}
          remote_user: ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_USER }}
          remote_key: ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_KEY }}
          sentry_org: teloscube
          sentry_project: demo-app
          sentry_token: ${{ secrets.SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN }}
          build_folder: "build"


You can use the following outputs. The values are populated after the action is completed. Normally, you would not need to use these outputs.

  • urlpaths: The URL paths of the deployed apps separated by ||. (e.g /webapps/xxx/production||/webapps/xxx/staging||/webapps/xxx/preview-42)

Example usage of the output values (Assuming the id of the step is build):

${{ }}