title |
DECAF Documentation Theme |
This theme is designed to be used for DECAF documentation websites. It uses Bootstrap. Refer to the following sub-sections for the documentation of this theme.
hugo new site decaf-docs-something
cd decaf-docs-something/
git init
git submodule add https://github.com/telostat/decaf-docs-theme.git themes/decaf-docs-theme
echo 'theme = "decaf-docs-theme"' >> config.toml
mkdir content/pages/
echo -e "---\ntitle: Sample\ndate: 2019-01-01\n---\n\nHello" > content/pages/sample.md
echo "/resources" > .gitignore
hugo server
Visit your sample page on http://localhost:1313/pages/sample/.
{{</* badge "info" "Info "*/>}}
: {{< badge "info" "Info">}}
{{</* badge "danger" "Danger "*/>}}
: {{< badge "danger" "Danger">}}
{{</* badge "warning" "Warning "*/>}}
: {{< badge "warning" "Warning">}}
{{</* badge "success" "Success "*/>}}
: {{< badge "success" "Success">}}
{{</* badge-group */>}}
{{</* badge "primary" "Hello" */>}}
{{</* badge "secondary" "World" */>}}
{{</* /badge-group */>}}
{{< badge-group >}} {{< badge "primary" "Hello" >}} {{< badge "secondary" "World" >}} {{< /badge-group >}}
{{</* row "mb-3" */>}}
{{</* col "bg-danger text-white" */>}}
This is the contents of the column 1.
{{</* /col */>}}
{{</* col "bg-danger text-white" */>}}
This is the contents of the column 2.
{{</* /col */>}}
{{</* /row */>}}
{{< row "mb-3" >}} {{< col "bg-danger text-white" >}} This is the contents of the column 1. {{< /col >}}
{{< col "bg-warning text-white" >}} This is the contents of the column 2. {{< /col >}} {{< /row >}}
{{</* colorbox "light" "dark" "extra classes such as border and mb-3" */>}}
This is a color box
{{</* /colorbox */>}}
{{< colorbox "light" "dark" "extra classes such as border and mb-3" >}} This is a color box {{< /colorbox >}}
{{</* kurl "google" "preferences" "Google Preferences Page" */>}}
{{< kurl "google" "preferences" "Google Preferences Page" >}}
- {{</* kurl "hoogle" "?hoogle=map&scope=set%3Astackage" "Hoogle Search Result for map" */>}}
{{< kurl "hoogle" "?hoogle=map&scope=set%3Astackage" "Hoogle Search Result for map" >}}
{{</* todo assignee="Sinan" closed="2019-08-01" */>}}
Create a Hugo theme for DECAF documentation.
{{</* /todo */>}}
{{< todo assignee="Sinan" closed="2019-08-01" >}} Create a Hugo theme for DECAF documentation. {{< /todo >}}
{{</* todo assignee="Sinan" */>}}
Improve the theme documentation for `decaf-docs-theme`.
{{</* /todo */>}}
{{< todo assignee="Sinan" >}}
Improve the theme documentation for decaf-docs-theme
{{< /todo >}}
{{</* latest-updates */>}}
{{< latest-updates >}}