This page contains instructions for verifying that Telegram's open source code is exactly the same as the code that is used to build the apps that are available in the App Store, Google Play and directly on the Telegram website.
Warning: Telegram supports reproducible builds as of version 5.13. Bear in mind that, at this stage, the verification process should be considered experimental. We will be updating our apps and these instructions to make this process as straightforward as possible.
Telegram for Android
Telegram for iOS
Please read the relevant notes and troubleshooting section carefully.
Docker can be obtained here. Once the installation is complete, log into your Docker account > Settings > Resources > Advanced and configure the amount of resources Docker may use:
We recommend using the maximum amount allowed by your system's hardware, in order to speed up the build time.
You can find the version/build number and the source (website, Play Store, Huawei Store) at the bottom of the Settings page. Note that Telegram supports reproducible builds starting with version 5.13.
The commit tag to checkout source code for the example above will be release-9.3.3_3026.
Please make sure that you're using the correct version and build number of the version you want to check (and not the one from this example ).
Open Terminal, run the commands:git clone $HOME/telegram-androidcd $HOME/telegram-androidgit checkout release-{VERSION AND BUILD NUMBER FROM STEP 2}
For our example, the command would be:git checkout release-5.13.0_1821
Open Terminal, run the commands:cd $HOME/telegram-androiddocker build -t telegram-build .
docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/home/source telegram-build
These commands will produce 3 different APKs and 2 bundles:
/apk/afat/standalone/app.apk – used for direct downloads from – the playstore version/apk/afat/release/app-huawei.apk – used exclusively for the Huawei store
These APKs can be found in:$HOME/telegram-android/TMessagesProj/build/outputs/apk/afat/
Use the folder name from Step 4 to find the correct folder that holds the same APK as installed on your device. For example, for the Play Store version, the path to your APK will be:
$HOME/telegram-android/TMessagesProj/build/outputs/apk/afat/release/app.apkCopy this APK to the root source directory by running this command in Terminal:cp $HOME/telegram-android/TMessagesProj/build/outputs/apk/afat/release/app.apk $HOME/telegram-android/telegram_built.apk
You will need adb for this step.
If you downloaded your APK directly from Telegram's website, use the package name org.telegram.messenger.web in this step. To verify the Google Play APK, use org.telegram.messenger.
Connect your device to the computer, open Terminal, run the commands:adb shell pm path org.telegram.messenger
The output will look something like this:package:/data/app/org.telegram.messenger-_zOSURFEx2GpHM8UDF_PVg==/base.apkBy using this information, pull the APK from your device to $HOME/telegram-android using command:adb pull /data/app/org.telegram.messenger-_zOSURFEx2GpHM8UDF_PVg==/base.apk $HOME/telegram-android/telegram_store.apk
To compare Direct and Huawei Store versions, open Terminal, run the commands:cd $HOME/telegram-androidpython telegram_store.apk telegram_built.apkIf the APKs are the same, you will seeAPKs are the same!
Play Store versions built from a bundle will be marked as 'store bundled'. To verify such builds, use:
python telegram_bundle.aab telegram_store.apk
If anything goes wrong, you will see this:
If your APKs don't match, please make sure that you chose the correct code version and the right SDK.
Check out the Troubleshooting section first in case you run into trouble.
The verification process for iOS builds is, unfortunately, a lot more complex than for Android. The two main issues with Apple's current policies and infrastructure are as follows:
As things stand now, you'll need a jailbroken device, at least 1,5 hours and approximately 90GB of free space to properly set up a virtual machine for the verification process.
To provide a stable and easily reproducible environment, Telegram iOS builds are compiled on a virtual machine. Parallels is used to verify the builds.
Despite the compiler bugs introduced by Apple in Xcode 14 (read more), we were able to restore deterministic builds using manually crafted linker flags. Use the steps below to verify builds compiled with XCode 13 and below, see here for XCode 14 instructions.
Parallels can be obtained here, it features a fully-functional trial version.
To download an image that can be installed on the virtual machine, open the App Store, search for “Catalina” and click “View”.
This will open a system pop-up offering to download the OS:
Before starting the installation, configure the virtual machine:
Change the name of the virtual machine to macos11_Xcode12_5_1
Hardware > Processors: 2-4Memory > 4GB may suffice but 8GB is recommended
You will get something like this:
Parallels may request access to your microphone and camera, this is not required – just press Close.
Your Apple ID is also not required, you can choose Set Up Later.
Use “telegram” for both the account name and password.
Do not ever use the password “telegram” for anything else, it's cursed.
Now install Parallels tools from the menu bar:
After the system restarts, log in.Open Terminal and run:sudo visudoEnter the password “telegram”
Find this line at the end of the file:%admin ALL=(ALL) ALLPress “i” on your keyboard, add “NOPASSWD:”%admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALLPress Escape.Type in “:wq”Press Enter
In the terminal, run:sudo systemsetup -setcomputersleep Never
In the virtual machine, open System Settings > Sharing and enable Remote Login.
In the virtual machine, open Terminal and run:mkdir -p .ssh; nano .ssh/authorized_keys
In your main OS, open Terminal and run:if [ ! -e ~/.ssh/ ]; then ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096; fi && cat ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy
If you see the line “Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/…/.ssh/id_rsa):”, press EnterIn the virtual machine, press CMD+VThen Ctrl+O, Ctrl+X
In the virtual machine, open Safari and go to in to your Account:
Go to Downloads > MoreEnter Xcode in the search field and find the version 12.5.1
Once the installation is complete, open the file Xcode 12.5.1.xip. The system will unarchive the app into the same folder. Move it to the Applications folder using Finder.
On the virtual machine, run this command from the terminal:sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/
Shut down the virtual machine.
Download the certificates at and install them into the virtual machine.
Launch Keychain Access and double-click the installed certificate. Under “Trust”, change “When using this certificate” to “Always Trust”.
git clone --recursive $HOME/telegram-ioscd
E.g., git checkout release-7.3. Please note that you need to check out the whole git history as the build version depends on the number of commits in the repository.
mkdir -p $HOME/bazel && cd $HOME/bazelcurl -O -L bazel-3.7.0-darwin-x86_64 bazel
Check that you have downloaded the correct version:chmod +x bazel./bazel --version
Open Terminal, run the commands:cd $HOME/telegram-ios BAZEL="$HOME/bazel/bazel" sh buildbox/ verify
If the environment has been set up correctly, this will start the building process. Note that this step can easily take 30-40 minutes. The average build time on a MacBook Pro (i9 6 core) is 35 minutes.
Once the process is complete the resulting IPA file can be found in build/artifacts/Telegram.ipaAll the following steps will be made via Terminal on your main system.
This step requires a jailbroken device equipped with tools for decrypting apps. We‘d love to make this process more simple but that’s what you get for using Apple tech.
Install the necessary tools:if ! type brew > /dev/null; then /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"; fi && brew install python3
Runpython3 tools/ build/artifacts/Telegram.ipa PATH-TO-THE-IPA-FILE-FROM-STEP-9
In case of a successful comparison, you will get a text along these lines:
In case of any mismatches, you'll get a detailed report.
Due to compiler bugs introduced by Apple in Xcode 14 (read more), you will need to use the modified instructions below to verify the latest builds:
Remove steps 6, 7
Steps 1-4.1 are replaced with:
./darwin-containers fetch
Download the appropriate macOS restore image (e.g. 13.0):
./darwin-containers fetch "macOS 13.0"
Create a new OS image:
./darwin-containers create --source "macOS 13.0" --tag "macos-13.0-xcode-14.1" --manual
Follow the installation instructions. Set username to containerhost and password to containerhost.Enable Remote Login and allow full disk access for remote users.Connect to the guest VM using SSH with username containerhost and password containerhost.Create directory ~/.ssh and set up the authorized_keys using the public key string printed by the darwin-containers create command earlier.Upload the appropriate version of Xcode via scp and install to /Applications. Run it at least once to complete installation.Shutdown the guest OS.
python3 -u build-system/Make/ remote-build --darwinContainers="path-to-darwin-containers-script" --darwinContainersHost="unix://$HOME/.darwin-containers.sock" --configurationPath="build-system/appstore-configuration.json" --codesigningInformationPath=build-system/fake-codesigning --configuration=release_arm64
For more information see:
build-system/Make/ lane verify_beta_testflight
If you encounter any issues with obtaining the code, building and comparing the apps, please contact us at @BotSupport and include the hashtag #reproducibleBuilds with your message describing the problem.
UPD: Despite the fact that the issue below persists, we were able to restore deterministic builds using manually crafted linker flags. See these updated steps for XCode 14.
Due to recent changes introduced in XCode 14 by Apple, it is currently not possible to create reproducible builds for iOS using tools officially supported by Apple. We will update this page as soon as Apple resolves the issue.
To confirm the issue for yourself, follow these steps:
With some probability, the ordering of the LC_LOAD_DYLIB commands will vary.
The __LIKEDIT section will always vary.