- Review the categories and terms. For each category and term evaluate:
- If the category or term is applicable to paleobiology. Identify non-applicable terms.
- If applicable, does the term need further refinement for paleobiology implementation?
- Post issue regarding that term to foster discussion
- Submit recommendations for vocabularies and best practices in the implementation of the term for paleobiology use cases
- Propose any new terms that are not currently included in Darwin Core
- Develop a document of paleobiological use cases
- Create an index of use cases with 1 sentence summaries
- For each use case provide a one page detailed summary
- Based on the review of terms, create a Darwin Core extension, DwC-paleo
- Create a draft list of terms to be included in the extension
- Document the terms in the extension with examples, vocabularies and best pracices tailored to paleobioilogy
- For each use case provide an example specimen encoded in DwC-paleo
- Create an update mapping of categories and terms between DwC-paleo and ABCD EFG