For slides and example code, see lesson 10
Note: Do not work on this repository right away.
Check existing forks to find the specific repository for your class.
- Who decides what a scene means in terms of color,
the lamp/device, a room/gateway or the backend? - Which information is required to make a decision?
- Which devices are affected by changing a scene?
- Which trade-offs does placing the logic involve?
- Install Node-RED on the Raspberry Pi or your laptop.
- Create a new flow or import & analyse one from here.
- Use the debug node to build your flow step-by-step.
- Imagine an IFTTT Webhook enabled button device.
- Create an applet to send SMS if the button is pressed.
- Emulate the button_pressed event using the curl tool.
- Sketch the hardware and code to build such a button.
- If time permits, implement your connected button.
- Create an IFTTT applet to show the weather on a LED.
- Design a Web API* to set weather conditions or colors.
(*Which would run e.g. on the ESP8266 or a Pi.) - Where would you map weather conditions to colors?
- Create a to receive the IFTTT Webhook call.