A project you can learn how to develop iOS App just fixing build errors and runtime errors.
- install Xcode (https://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/xcode/id497799835?mt=12)
- Swift basics (http://nilhcem.com/swift-is-like-kotlin/)
- Quests (Resolve the errors occured step by step). You may learn with process about...
- how to search sources in Xcode
- delegate pattern (MVP)
- designing with Storyboard
- how to connect
- registering and dequeueing to/from
- how to navigate to another
Simple MVP
Feedbacks are welcome!
🇺🇸 A project you can learn how to develop iOS App just fixing build errors and runtime errors
🇯🇵 コンパイルエラーやランタイムエラーを直していくだけでiOSアプリの作り方がわかるプロジェクト - Qiita
panpanini/MokuMokuNotes_Android: Quest based learning tool for writing a basic Android app