- 🍕 Feature
- 🐛 Bug Fix
- 📝 Documentation Update
- 🎨 Style
- 💻 Code Refactor
- 🔥 Performance Improvements
- ✅ Test
- 🤖 Build
- 🔁 CI
- 🔌 Chore (Release)
- ⏩ Revert
- 👍 yes
- 🙅 no, because they aren't needed
- 🙋 no, because I need help
- 📜 README.md
- 📓 docs.komiser.io
- 📕 storybook
- 🗒 Code comment intelliSense
- 🙅 no documentation needed
- Pull the Code - Ensure the functionality works locally.
- Compare to the Design - Check if everything matches the design specifications. Validate the consistency of colors, fonts, paddings, etc.
- Responsive Testing - Resize the browser window to ensure nothing breaks on mobile
- Code Quality - Ensure best coding practices are used *
- Ensure no commented-out code or debug logs are left behind.
- Check for code modularity and reusability.
- Check for descriptive variable names: e.g., "totalPrice" not "tp".
- Ensure there are no linting errors
npm run lint
- Ensure the code passes the build
npm run build
- Ensure there are no inline error disabling/ignores
- Ensure all newly added dependencies are actually necessary (package.json)
- Check that the PR has a title and description
React specific:
Key Prop: e.g., "Unique key prop given to all elements in a list."
Prop Drilling: e.g., "Avoid excessive prop drilling; consider context or state management."
Effect Dependencies: e.g., "All dependencies added in useEffect dependency array."
Custom Hooks: e.g., "Logic extracted to custom hooks for reusability."
Memoization: e.g., "Used React.memo, useMemo for expensive computations."
Provider Placement: e.g., "Providers wrap necessary components only."
Semantic JSX: e.g., "Used <button> for buttons, not <div>."
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