diff --git a/Build/tSQLt.validatebuild.xml b/Build/tSQLt.validatebuild.xml
index 98055037a..8fdea3b60 100644
--- a/Build/tSQLt.validatebuild.xml
+++ b/Build/tSQLt.validatebuild.xml
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@
diff --git a/CI/Azure-DevOps/AZ_MainPipeline.yml b/CI/Azure-DevOps/AZ_MainPipeline.yml
index 276fb1b51..9e62f375e 100644
--- a/CI/Azure-DevOps/AZ_MainPipeline.yml
+++ b/CI/Azure-DevOps/AZ_MainPipeline.yml
@@ -20,8 +20,6 @@ parameters: # TODO, these don't work for scheduled pipelines, not even the defau
- name: VMMatrix
type: object
- - name: SQL2008R2
- SQLVersionEdition: 2008R2Std
- name: SQL2012
SQLVersionEdition: 2012Ent
- name: SQL2014
@@ -195,7 +193,7 @@ stages:
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
- $DS = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "SELECT SUSER_NAME() U,SYSDATETIME() T,@@VERSION V;" -ServerInstance "$(CreateSQLVMEnvironment.FQDNAndPort)" -Username "$(CreateSQLVMEnvironment.SQLUserName)" -Password "$(CreateSQLVMEnvironment.SQLPwd)" -As DataSet
+ $DS = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "SELECT SUSER_NAME() U,SYSDATETIME() T,@@VERSION V;" -ServerInstance "$(CreateSQLVMEnvironment.FQDNAndPort)" -Username "$(CreateSQLVMEnvironment.SQLUserName)" -Password "$(CreateSQLVMEnvironment.SQLPwd)" -As DataSet -TrustServerCertificate
$DS.Tables[0].Rows | %{ echo "{ $($_['U']), $($_['T']), $($_['V']) }" }
diff --git a/CI/Azure-DevOps/CreateSQLVM_azcli.ps1 b/CI/Azure-DevOps/CreateSQLVM_azcli.ps1
index 42b7b68ea..cc61a18bd 100644
--- a/CI/Azure-DevOps/CreateSQLVM_azcli.ps1
+++ b/CI/Azure-DevOps/CreateSQLVM_azcli.ps1
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
-<# USAGE: ./CreateSQLVM.ps1 -Location "East US 2" -Size "Standard_D2as_v4" -ResourceGroupName "myTestResourceGroup" -VMAdminName "azureAdminName" -VMAdminPwd "aoeihag;ladjfalkj23" -SQLVersionEdition "2017" -SQLPort "41433" -SQLUserName "tSQLt_sa" -SQLPwd "aoeihag;ladjfalkj46" -BuildId "001" #>
+<# USAGE:
+az login
+az account set --name "tSQLt CI Subscription"
+./CreateSQLVM_azcli.ps1 -Location "East US 2" -Size "Standard_D2as_v4" -ResourceGroupName "myTestResourceGroup" -VMAdminName "azureadminname" -VMAdminPwd "aoeihag;ladjfalkj23" -SQLVersionEdition "2017" -SQLPort "41433" -SQLUserName "tSQLt_sa" -SQLPwd "aoeihag;ladjfalkj46" -BuildId "001" -VmPriority "Spot"
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $Location,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $Size,
@@ -98,22 +104,30 @@ $FQDN = (az network public-ip show --resource-group $ResourceGroupName --name $P
Log-Output "FQDN: ", $FQDN;
Log-Output "DONE: Creating PIP $PipName";
-Log-Output "START: Creating NSG and Rules $NsgName";
+Log-Output "START: Creating NSG and Rules $NsgName --> nsg create";
$output = az network nsg create --name $NsgName --resource-group $ResourceGroupName --location $Location | ConvertFrom-Json;
if (!$output) {
Write-Error "Error creating NIC";
+Log-Output "START: Creating NSG and Rules $NsgName --> nsg rule create --name `"RDPRule`"";
+$DestPort = 3389;
+Log-Output "<-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><->";
+Log-Output "ResourceGroupName: ", $ResourceGroupName;
+Log-Output "NsgName: ", $NsgName;
+Log-Output "DestPort: ", $DestPort;
+Log-Output "<-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><->";
$output = az network nsg rule create --name "RDPRule" --nsg-name $NsgName --priority 1000 --resource-group $ResourceGroupName --access Allow `
- --destination-address-prefixes * --destination-port-ranges 3389 --direction Inbound --protocol Tcp --source-address-prefixes * `
- --source-port-ranges * | ConvertFrom-Json;
+ --destination-address-prefixes '*' --destination-port-ranges $DestPort --direction Inbound --protocol Tcp --source-address-prefixes '*' `
+ --source-port-ranges '*' | ConvertFrom-Json;
if (!$output) {
Write-Error "Error creating NIC RDPRule";
+Log-Output "START: Creating NSG and Rules $NsgName --> nsg rule create --name `"MSSQLRule`"";
$output = az network nsg rule create --name "MSSQLRule" --nsg-name $NsgName --priority 1001 --resource-group $ResourceGroupName --access Allow `
- --destination-address-prefixes * --destination-port-ranges $SQLPort --direction Inbound --protocol Tcp --source-address-prefixes * `
- --source-port-ranges * | ConvertFrom-Json;
+ --destination-address-prefixes '*' --destination-port-ranges $SQLPort --direction Inbound --protocol Tcp --source-address-prefixes '*' `
+ --source-port-ranges '*' | ConvertFrom-Json;
if (!$output) {
Write-Error "Error creating NIC MSSQLRule";
@@ -163,7 +177,7 @@ $SQLVM|Out-String|Log-Output;
Log-Output 'DONE: Applying SqlVM Config'
Log-Output 'START: Prep SQL Server for tSQLt Build'
-$DS = Invoke-Sqlcmd -InputFile "$dir/GetSQLServerVersion.sql" -ServerInstance "$FQDN,$SQLPort" -Username "$SQLUserName" -Password "$SQLPwd" -As DataSet
+$DS = Invoke-Sqlcmd -InputFile "$dir/GetSQLServerVersion.sql" -ServerInstance "$FQDN,$SQLPort" -Username "$SQLUserName" -Password "$SQLPwd" -As DataSet -TrustServerCertificate
$DS.Tables[0].Rows | %{ Log-Output "{ $($_['LoginName']), $($_['TimeStamp']), $($_['VersionDetail']), $($_['ProductVersion']), $($_['ProductLevel']), $($_['SqlVersion']), $($_['ServerCollation']) }" }
$ActualSQLVersion = $DS.Tables[0].Rows[0]['SqlVersion'];