diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4822fce5..a54b5fde 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ N2O Loop is directly connected and runned inside context of WebSocket handler.
Usually in Erlang we use `syn` or `gproc` OTP message buses.
As such buses are optional in MQTT setup we include bus drivers in WebSocket package.
-* [n2o_stream](https://ws.n2o.dev/man/n2o_stream.htm) — COWBOY and XHR bridge
* [n2o_ws](https://ws.n2o.dev/man/n2o_ws.htm) — N2O WebSocket Virtual Node
* [n2o_heart](https://ws.n2o.dev/man/n2o_heart.htm) — PING protocol
* [n2o_cowboy](https://ws.n2o.dev/man/n2o_cowboy.htm) — COWBOY API
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 808805d1..d5724cd0 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
The list of MQTT specific modules:
n2o_auth — N2O MQTT Authentication: MQTT auth module — 1KB
- n2o_mqtt — MQTT DHT Virtual Node
+ n2o_mqtt — MQTT DHT Processing Node
@@ -112,9 +112,8 @@ SYNOPSIS
handler that routes all incoming messages to N2O.
The list of WebSocket specific modules:
diff --git a/man/n2o_cowboy2.htm b/man/n2o_cowboy2.htm
deleted file mode 100644
index 79cdf92a..00000000
--- a/man/n2o_cowboy2.htm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- N2O
- The n2o_cowboy2
- module provides COWBOY2 API interface connectivity.
-2005—2020 © Synrc Research Center
diff --git a/man/n2o_stream.htm b/man/n2o_stream.htm
deleted file mode 100644
index bec92961..00000000
--- a/man/n2o_stream.htm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
- N2O
- WebSocket n2o_stream
- is implemented cowboy_websocket_handler behaviour for WS protocol
- and cowboy_http_handler handler for XHR protocol. Both protocols are supported in single file.
- This module is only for using N2O with cowboy web server.
- The n2o_proto protocol loop is compatible with cowboy and emqttd versions of N2O.
- The main purpose of this API is to embed N2O into your functional endpoint.
- In other cases it's called automatically by configuration.
- The stream function is dedicated for cowboy version of n2o
- websocket_info({ text | binary, binary() }, term(), term()) -> #reply{}.
- This function is called on message arrival
- websocket_handle({ text | binary, binary() }, term(), term()) -> #reply{}.
- This function is called on init
- websocket_init(term(), term(), term()) -> #reply{}.
- This function is called on terminate
- websocket_terminate(term(), term(), term()) -> #reply{}.
- The info function is dedicated for HTTP XHR fallback
- info(term(), term(), term()) -> #reply{}.
- [{n2o,[{protocols,[n2o_nitro]},
- {filter,{n2o_proto,push}}]}].
- This module may refer to:
- n2o ,
- n2o_pi .
-2005—2020 © Synrc Research Center
diff --git a/mix.exs b/mix.exs
index f12da534..313a2ef4 100644
--- a/mix.exs
+++ b/mix.exs
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ defmodule N2O.Mixfile do
def application, do: [mod: {:n2o, []}, applications: []]
def project do
[ app: :n2o,
- version: "7.8.3",
+ version: "7.10.0",
description: "N2O MQTT TCP WebSocket",
package: package(),
deps: deps()]
diff --git a/src/n2o.app.src b/src/n2o.app.src
index f6666fa7..ee3aa608 100644
--- a/src/n2o.app.src
+++ b/src/n2o.app.src
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
[{description,"N2O MQTT TCP WebSocket"},
- {vsn,"7.8.3"},
+ {vsn,"7.10.0"},
{mod, {n2o, []}}]}.
diff --git a/src/ws/n2o_cowboy.erl b/src/ws/n2o_cowboy.erl
index feb9ca41..801a7432 100644
--- a/src/ws/n2o_cowboy.erl
+++ b/src/ws/n2o_cowboy.erl
@@ -1,16 +1,28 @@
-description('N2O Cowboy HTTP Backend').
--export([init/3, handle/2, terminate/3, params/1, form/1, path/1, request_body/1, headers/1, header/3,
+-export([init/2, websocket_init/1, websocket_handle/2, websocket_info/2, terminate/3, points/0]).
+-export([params/1, form/1, path/1, request_body/1, headers/1, header/3,
response/2, reply/2, cookies/1, cookie/2, cookie/3, cookie/5, delete_cookie/2,
- peer/1, env/1, points/0, fix2/1, fix1/1]).
--record(state, {headers, body}).
+ peer/1, env/1, fix2/1, fix1/1]).
-% Cowboy HTTP Handler
+% Cowboy 2 WebSocket API
-init(_Transport, Req, _Opts) -> {ok, Req, #state{}}.
-terminate(_Reason, _Req, _State) -> ok.
-handle(Req, State) -> {ok, Req, State}.
+init(Req,_Opts) -> {cowboy_websocket, Req, Req}.
+ws({ok,_,S}) -> {ok,S};
+ws({reply,{binary,Rep},_,S}) -> {reply,{binary,Rep},S};
+ws({reply,{json,Rep},_,S}) -> {reply,{binary,n2o_json:encode(Rep)},S};
+ws({reply,{bert,Rep},_,S}) -> {reply,{binary,n2o_bert:encode(Rep)},S};
+ws({reply,{text,Rep},_,S}) -> {reply,{text,Rep},S};
+ws({reply,{default,Rep},_,S})-> {reply,{binary,n2o:encode(Rep)},S};
+ws({reply,{Encoder,Rep},_,S})-> {reply,{binary,Encoder:encode(Rep)},S};
+ws(X) -> ?LOG_ERROR(#{unknown=>X}), {shutdown,[]}.
+websocket_init(S) -> ws(n2o_proto:init([],S,[],ws)).
+websocket_handle(D,S) -> ws(n2o_proto:stream(D,[],S)).
+websocket_info(D,S) -> ws(n2o_proto:info(D,[],S)).
+terminate(M,R,S) -> ws(n2o_proto:info({direct,{exit,M}},R,S)).
% Cowboy Bridge Abstraction
@@ -40,10 +52,11 @@ static() -> { dir, fix1(code:priv_dir(application:get_env(n2o,app,review)))++"/s
n2o() -> { dir, fix2(code:priv_dir(n2o)), mime() }.
mime() -> [ { mimetypes, cow_mimetypes, all } ].
port() -> application:get_env(n2o,port,8000).
points() -> cowboy_router:compile([{'_', [
{ "/n2o/[...]", cowboy_static, n2o() },
{ "/app/[...]", cowboy_static, static() },
- { "/ws/[...]", n2o_stream, [] } ]}]).
+ { "/ws/[...]", n2o_cowboy, [] } ]}]).
env(App) -> [{port, port()},
{certfile, code:priv_dir(App)++"/ssl/fullchain.pem"},
diff --git a/src/ws/n2o_cowboy2.erl b/src/ws/n2o_cowboy2.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 164e31b5..00000000
--- a/src/ws/n2o_cowboy2.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
--description('N2O Cowboy2 WebSocket Backend').
--export([init/2, websocket_init/1, websocket_handle/2, websocket_info/2, terminate/3,
- points/0]).
-init(Req,_Opts) -> {cowboy_websocket, Req, Req}.
-ws({ok,_,S}) -> {ok,S};
-ws({reply,{binary,Rep},_,S}) -> {reply,{binary,Rep},S};
-ws({reply,{json,Rep},_,S}) -> {reply,{binary,n2o_json:encode(Rep)},S};
-ws({reply,{bert,Rep},_,S}) -> {reply,{binary,n2o_bert:encode(Rep)},S};
-ws({reply,{text,Rep},_,S}) -> {reply,{text,Rep},S};
-ws({reply,{default,Rep},_,S})-> {reply,{binary,n2o:encode(Rep)},S};
-ws({reply,{Encoder,Rep},_,S})-> {reply,{binary,Encoder:encode(Rep)},S};
-ws(X) -> ?LOG_ERROR(#{unknown=>X}), {shutdown,[]}.
-websocket_init(S) -> ws(n2o_proto:init([],S,[],ws)).
-websocket_handle(D,S) -> ws(n2o_proto:stream(D,[],S)).
-websocket_info(D,S) -> ws(n2o_proto:info(D,[],S)).
-terminate(M,R,S) -> ws(n2o_proto:info({direct,{exit,M}},R,S)).
-points() -> cowboy_router:compile([{'_', [
- {"/ws/[...]", n2o_cowboy2, []},
- {"/n2o/[...]", cowboy_static, {dir, n2o_cowboy:fix2(code:priv_dir(n2o)), []}},
- {"/app/[...]", cowboy_static, {dir, n2o_cowboy:fix1(code:priv_dir(
- application:get_env(n2o,app,review)))++"/static", []}} ]}]).
diff --git a/src/ws/n2o_stream.erl b/src/ws/n2o_stream.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 9554070c..00000000
--- a/src/ws/n2o_stream.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
--description('N2O Cowboy WebSocket Backend').
-init(T,R,O) -> upgrade(cowboy_req:header(<<"upgrade">>,R),{T,R,O}).
-upgrade({undefined,R},{T,R,O}) -> xhr(n2o_proto:init(T,R,[{formatter,json}|O],xhr));
-upgrade({B,R},_) when is_binary(B) -> websocket(R,cowboy_bstr:to_lower(B)).
-terminate(_,R,S) -> n2o_proto:terminate(R,S).
-% Lib
-body({ok,D,R2},S) -> xhr(n2o_proto:stream({type(D),D},R2,S));
-body(R,S) -> {ok,R,S}.
-down(R) -> {shutdown,R,undefined}.
-type(<<"N2O,",_/binary>>) -> text;
-type(<<"PING">>) -> text;
-type(_) -> binary.
-% Cowboy XHR
-handle(R,S) -> body(cowboy_req:body(R),S).
-info(M,R,S) -> xhr(n2o_proto:info(M,R,S)).
-reply(D,R,Code) -> {ok,R2}=cowboy_req:reply(Code,[],D,R), R2.
-xhr({ok,R,S}) -> {ok,R,S};
-xhr({reply,D,R,S}) -> {ok,reply(D,R,200),S}.
-% Cowboy WebSocket
-websocket(_,<<"websocket">>) -> {upgrade, protocol, cowboy_websocket};
-websocket(R,_) -> down(reply([],R,501)).
-websocket_info(I,R,S) -> ws(n2o_proto:info(I,R,S)).
-websocket_handle(D,R,S) -> ws(n2o_proto:stream(D,R,S)).
-websocket_init(T,R,_) -> ws(n2o_proto:init(T,R,[],ws)).
-websocket_terminate(_,R,S) -> n2o_proto:terminate(R,S).
-ws({ok,R,S}) -> {ok,R,S,hibernate};
-ws({reply,{binary,Rep},R,S}) -> {reply,{binary,Rep},R,S,hibernate};
-ws({reply,{json,Rep},R,S}) -> {reply,{binary,n2o_json:encode(Rep)},R,S,hibernate};
-ws({reply,{bert,Rep},R,S}) -> {reply,{binary,n2o_bert:encode(Rep)},R,S,hibernate};
-ws({reply,{text,Rep},R,S}) -> {reply,{text,Rep},R,S,hibernate};
-ws({reply,{default,Rep},R,S})-> {reply,{binary,n2o:encode(Rep)},R,S,hibernate};
-ws({reply,{Encoder,Rep},R,S})-> {reply,{binary,Encoder:encode(Rep)},R,S,hibernate};
-ws(X) -> io:format("UNKNOWN: ~p~n",[X]).
\ No newline at end of file