Test Dropwizard vs Micrometer
This project is a test of Dropwizard and Micrometer on a simple Spring Boot 2 project. Micrometer is Spring Boot 2 native, Dropwizard is the old one used usually on Spring Boot 1.5 projects
This module use Dropwizard. It exposes a web service on http://localhost/greeting The metrics are sent via a reporter to the console (ConsoleReporter) and they are visible on actuator http://localhost/actuator
This module use Micrometer, with Prometheus register. It exposes a web service on http://localhost:90/greeting and an actuator too http://localhost:90/actuator
This module use Micrometer, with a custom register. The idea is trying to replicate the behavior of Dropwizard Console Reporter. Please note that it is only a POC It exposes a web service on http://localhost:100/greeting and an actuator too http://localhost:100/actuator
This module use Micrometer, but integrating a Dropwizard reporter (ConsoleReporter) wrapped into Micrometer registry. This solution can be used to easy migrate from Dropwizard to Micrometer if there are some custom reporter used. It exposes a web service on http://localhost:120/greeting and an actuator too http://localhost:120/actuator