This package is a part of the Symfony2 Admin Generator based on YAML configuration and Twig templating.
It will allow you to associate to the FOSUserBundle a base layout configured throw a config in the config.yml
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Add Admingenerator to your composer.json
"require": {
"symfony2admingenerator/user-bundle": "dev-master"
Then run php composer.phar update
Note: This repository is compatible with symfony2admingenerator/GeneratorBundle.
Follow the bundle documentation :
$bundles = array(
// ....
new Admingenerator\UserBundle\AdmingeneratorUserBundle(),
In config.yml
login_template: AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle::base_admin.html.twig
{% extends_my_configured_layout 'admingenerator.user_login_template' %}
Will be the same as :
{% extends 'The value of the container paramater admingenerator.user_login_template' %}