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SymbIoteCloud from docker

iliapietri edited this page Sep 21, 2018 · 34 revisions

Cloud Deployment

This document explains how to run the symbIoTe cloud for L1/L2 integration depending on your needs. There are two ways to run docker:

  1. directly (on linux)
  2. docker-machine (previously boot2docker) - in virtual machine

This influences how to expose port in virtual machine to local machine. So, there are 2 ways to run ngrok and 2 ways to expose port in production environment.

1. Preparation steps

When getting the platform configuration you have to enter the following options:

  • Compliance Level: L1 or L2 (depending on the compliance level desired)
  • Deployment Type: Docker
1.2. Install prerequisites:
  • docker (18.03.x),
  • docker-compose (1.21.x),
  • docker-machine (0.14.x),
  • bash,
  • curl
1.3. Create folder for your deployment

2. Configuring and starting components depending on your preferred deployment

2.1. Production, without docker-machine (boot2docker)
  1. Obtain certificate as described in

    • Create dir nginx-certificates
      $ mkdir nginx-certificates

    • Copy certificates to nginx-certificates
      $ sudo cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/{your domain}/fullchain.pem nginx-certificates
      $ sudo cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/{your domain}/privkey.pem nginx-certificates

  2. Run docker swarm init if the node is not a swarm manager. We use the swarm mode so that secrets are encrypted during transit and at rest. Docker secrets are only available to swarm services and not to standalone containers.

  3. Run:

    • docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose-swarm-L1.yml --compose-file docker-compose-prod-swarm-L1.yml symbiote-app to deploy the application in L1 compliance or
    • docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose-swarm-L2.yml --compose-file docker-compose-prod-swarm-L2.yml symbiote-app for L2 compliance. You can change the name of the service stack (symbiote-app) to be used.
  4. You can run:

    • docker stack ls to list the stack and check the number of services used.
    • docker image ls to check that all images have been created. It may take a while to pull all the images from DockerHub for the first time.
    • docker service ls to list the services and check their status. Wait until the actual number of tasks (replicas) for each service is not 0.
    • docker logs <container_name> -f to get access to and follow the logs of a service. A component is ready when a message similar to 'Started <component_name> in 105.045 seconds (JVM running for 112.933)' appears in the logs of the container.
    • sudo service docker restart to restart the docker service if needed and repeat the steps.
  5. Run docker stack rm symbiote-app to stop the application and remove the service stack. Services, networks, and secrets associated with the stack will be removed.

  6. You can run docker swarm leave --force to leave the swarm.

2.2. Production, with docker-machine (boot2docker)
  1. Obtain certificate as described previously
  2. The following command maps
    • port 443 in default docker-machine (localhost:443) to
    • local computer at port 443 on all interfaces (
      docker-machine ssh default -L
  3. Run steps 2-6 as described previously in Section 2.1.
2.3. Hackathon, without docker-machine (boot2docker)

Before starting with hackathon environment you need to install ngrok (

  1. Run
    • docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose-swarm-L1.yml --compose-file docker-compose-ngrok-swarm-L1.yml symbiote-app to deploy the application in L1 compliance or
    • docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose-swarm-L2.yml --compose-file docker-compose-ngrok-swarm-L2.yml symbiote-app for L2 compliance.
  2. You can run:
    • docker stack ls to list the stack and check the number of services used.
    • docker image ls to check that all images have been created. It may take a while to pull all the images from DockerHub for the first time.
    • docker service ls to list the services and check their status. Wait until the actual number of tasks (replicas) for each service is not 0.
    • docker logs <container_name> -f to get access to and follow the logs of a service. A component is ready when a message similar to 'Started <component_name> in 105.045 seconds (JVM running for 112.933)' appears in the logs of the container.
    • sudo service docker restart to restart the docker service if needed and repeat the steps.
  3. Run docker stack rm symbiote-app to stop the application and remove the service stack. Services, networks, and secrets associated with the stack will be removed.
2.4. Hackathon, with docker-machine (boot2docker)

Before starting with hackathon environment you need to install ngrok (

  1. Run docker swarm init if the node is not a swarm manager.
  2. Run docker-machine ssh default -L
  3. Run
    • docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose-swarm-L1.yml --compose-file docker-compose-ngrok-swarm-L1.yml symbiote-app to deploy the application in L1 compliance or
    • docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose-swarm-L2.yml --compose-file docker-compose-ngrok-swarm-L2.yml symbiote-app for L2 compliance.
  4. You can run:
    • docker stack ls to list the stack and check the number of services used.
    • docker image ls to check that all images have been created. It may take a while to pull all the images from DockerHub for the first time.
    • docker service ls to list the services and check their status. Wait until the actual number of tasks (replicas) for each service is not 0.
    • docker logs <container_name> -f to get access to and follow the logs of a service. A component is ready when a message similar to 'Started <component_name> in 105.045 seconds (JVM running for 112.933)' appears in the logs of the container.
    • sudo service docker restart to restart the docker service if needed and repeat the steps.
  5. Run docker stack rm symbiote-app to stop the application and remove the service stack. Services, networks, and secrets associated with the stack will be removed.
3.1. Security

Core Deployment

Getting Started
Migration to 3.0.0
Migration to Docker

  1. Preparation steps
    1.1. Register user and configure platform in symbIoTe Core
    1.2. Installation of required tools for symbIoTe platform components
    1.3. Downloading jars
    1.4. Downloading sources
  2. Configuring and starting components
    2.1. Configuration of NGINX
    2.2. Starting third party tools that are prerequisite for symbIoTe
    2.3. Starting (generic) symbIoTe Cloud components
    2.4. Configuration of cloud components
    2.4.1. Starting symbIoTe Cloud components
    2.5. Setting up the Platform Authentication and Authorization Manager (PAAM)
    2.6. Starting Registration Handler and resource management
    2.7. Set up of Resource Access Proxy
    2.8. Manage resources
    2.9. Set up of the Monitoring component
    2.10. Other configuration topics
  3. Test integrated resource
    3.1. Security
    3.2. Search for resources
    3.3. Obtaining resource access URL
    3.4. Accessing the resource and actuating and invoking service for default (dummy) resources
  4. Creating RAP plugin
    4.1. Customizing internal RAP plugin
    4.2. Using RAP plugin starter
    4.3. Creating RAP plugin in other languages
  5. Resource Description Examples
    5.1. JSON Description Examples
    5.2. RDF Description Examples
  6. Preparation for L2 compliance
  7. Configuring and starting components for L2
    7.1. Starting Federation Manager
    7.2. Starting Subscription Manager
    7.3. Starting Platform Registry
    7.4. Starting Trust Manager
    7.5. Starting Bartering And Trading
    7.6. Starting SLA Manager
    7.7. Create a federation
    7.8. Manage resources in L2
    7.9. Register Subscription
  8. Test Integrated L2 Resources
  9. Developing symbIoTe enabled apps
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