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Ensure NVMe RoCE is configured on host.

Role Variables

eseries_nvme_roce_configure_network:         # Whether to configure iSCSI network interfaces. Choices: true, false (Default: true)
eseries_nvme_roce_configure_firewall:        # Whether to configure firewall. Choices true, false (Default: true)
eseries_nvme_roce_interfaces:                # (Required) List of IP-based interfaces.
  - name:                                    # (Required) Name of interface (i.e. ib0, eth0, em1, ens160).
    address:                                 # (Required) IPv4 address. Use the format
    hook_templates:                          # List of hook templates for Network Manager dispatcher (interface definition will be accessible through
                                             #   the interface variable within the hook templates).
    zone:                                    # Firewall zone. If the zone does not exist then it will be created. (Note: Only implemented for firewalld)
    (...)                                    # Add any valid key-value pair for the expected Netplan or ifcfg-x configuration files. Be sure to quote recognized
                                             #   boolean values (on, off, yes, no, etc.) otherwise they will be converted into True/False.
    mstconfig:                               # Dictionary containing any key-value options for mstconfig to apply to interface.
                                             #   mstconfig is a tool for burning Mellanox HCA cards that is include in mstflint,
                                             #   an open source package that is a subset of the Mellanox Firmware Tools (MFT).
                                             #   For more details checkout the [MFT documentation](
      LINK_TYPE_PX: eth                      # LINK_TYPE_P1, LINK_TYPE_P2, ..., LINK_TYPE_PX are used to configure the port's
                                             #   working mode. Note that X must match the HCA's port number for the interface which
                                             #   can be determined by 'grep PCI_SLOT_NAME /sys/class/net/<INTERFACE_NAME>/device/uevent',
                                             #   adding 1 to the last number from the PCI slot name and converting to decimal.
                                             #     Example: PCI_SLOT_NAME=0000:2f:00.2 (2 + 1 -> HCA port 3) -> LINK_TYPE_P3: eth
eseries_nvme_roce_interface_common:          # Dictionary containing any common valid key-value pair for Netplan or ifupdown configuration files. Be sure to quote
                                             #   values that will be converted into a boolean value (on, off, yes, no, etc.) otherwise they will be converted
                                             #   into True/False.
eseries_nvme_roce_default_hook_templates:    # Default list of hook templates for Network Manager dispatcher (interface definition will be accessible through
                                             #    the interface variable within the hook templates).
eseries_nvme_roce_firewall_zone:             # Default firewall zone. (Note: Only implemented for firewalld)
eseries_nvme_roce_nqn:                       # Host NVMe qualified name.
eseries_nvme_roce_udev_name:                 # Filename for applying eseries_nvme_roce_udev_rules
eseries_nvme_roce_udev_rules:                # Dictionary containing interface PCI slots names or MAC addresses
                                             #   to interface names for ensuring persistent interface names.
                                             #   Example: {"0000:2f:00.0": i1a, "0000:2f:00.1": i1b,
                                             #             "0000:86:00.0": i2a, "0000:86:00.1": i2b}
eseries_nvme_roce_uninstall:               # Whether to uninstall the nvme_roce role. (Default: false)

General Notes

It is recommended to call instead of calling supporting roles directly
which will configure all related protocols based on storage mapped to the targeted host. However, if you
need to call this role directly, be sure to set the include_role public option to true. This is important
to ensure role defaults are available when passed to other supporting roles. All defaults are prefixed with
eseries_nvme_roce_* to prevent variable conflicts with other roles.

- name: Ensure NVMe over RoCE protocol has been setup
    public: true

WARNING! Role will configure the specified network interfaces unless eseries_nvme_roce_configure_network is set to false.



Author Information

Nathan Swartz (@ndswartz)