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React Form validation

Form validation solution for react JS, super easy to use and can handel all the major user cases.

Based on the React hooks and reactive programing.

No extra dependencies pure react js code & lightweight.


  1. Easy validations solution for react js pure react js no extra dependency.
  2. Regex validations.
  3. Custom validations.
  4. Email validations.
  5. Many useful form helping methods i.e hasError, hasChanges, isTouched, getValues, getErrors.
  6. Easy to configure.
  7. Nested form fields validations.
  8. Dynamic add/remove fields.


npm install @surinderlohat/react-form-validation
yarn add @surinderlohat/react-form-validation

API Documentation

Form Helping Methods

Note: all methods are available like: form.onSubmit()

resetToDefault No Reset form state to default All fields will be reset to the default state
getField fieldKey i.e name or if nested field Return the specific field instance
getChangedFields No Return fields with initial value and changed value
clearForm No Clear form values and all nested child's
onSubmit No Return from values and error state

Form Getters

getValues object Return form values in same order we have pass
getErrors object Display all errors for each nested field
hasChanges boolean Return true if any field has changes

Field Methods

hasChanges Getter Return field state i.e it's changed or not
hasError Getter Return error state of the specific field
isTouched Getter if field is touched or not
errorMessage Getter Return error message for current field from
setValue Function Set value of specific field
getValue Function Get value of specific field
setRules (newRules: Rules) Update field rules on the fly
setError Function Set custom error message on specific field
showErrors Function Show error without touching the fields


    /* Used to identify which rule we are going to use for a field*/
    rule: 'min' | 'max' | 'required' | 'same' | 'email' | 'regex' | 'custom' | 'between' | 'range';
    /* Rule value used to provide value in rule i.e for min:2 max:10 rule value ruleValue will be ruleValue:2 or 5 
    ruleValue?: any;
    /* Used to provide custom message for each rule */
    message?: string;
    /* For special cases if we need custom validation then this method will help */
    validation?: (field: IField, form?: ReactForm) => string;

How to use

import { IFieldObject, useReactForm } from '@surinderlohat/react-form-validation';
import FormField from '../FormField/FormField';
import { Box, Typography, Button, Paper } from '@mui/material';
import { FC } from 'react';

// Fields Rules
const field: IFieldObject = {
  name: {
    label: 'User Name',
    placeholder: 'Enter your Name',
    rules: [{ rule: 'required' }],
  email: {
    label: 'Email',
    placeholder: 'Enter your email',
    rules: [{ rule: 'email', message: 'Email is not valid' }],
  password: {
    label: 'Password',
    rules: [{ rule: 'required', message: 'This field is required' }],
  confirmPassword: {
    label: 'Confirm Password',
    rules: [{ rule: 'required' }, { rule: 'same', ruleValue: 'password', message: 'Should be same as Password' }],

const BasicExample: FC = () => {
  const form = useReactForm(field);
  return (
    <Box sx={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center' }}>
      <Paper sx={{ width: '350px', padding: '15px', display: 'grid', gridGap: '15px' }}>
        <Typography variant="h5">Basic Signup Validations</Typography>
        {Object.keys(field).map(key => (
          <FormField key={key} field={form.getField(key)} />
        <Button onClick={() => console.log(form.getValues())} disabled={form.hasError} variant="contained">
          Save Changes
        <Typography>Has Changes: {`${form.hasChanges}`}</Typography>
        <Typography>Has hasError: {`${form.hasError}`}</Typography>
        <Button onClick={() => form.showErrors()} variant="contained">
          Show Errors

export default BasicExample;

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