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Bara edited this page Nov 9, 2020 · 1 revision


  • This is the part that takes the most time in maintaining a surf server as you will need to go through each map and adjust to your liking.

  • There are many ways to zone maps, some good and some bad, you will need to experiment and figure this out but here is a video explaining the basics.

  • There are two main ways of adding zones to your server.

    1. Using the included zones and maptiers
    2. Create the zones and maptiers yourself
  • Once you have completed Zoning, Proceed to Plugin Management

Using the included zones and maptiers

  1. Locate csgo/scripts/mysql-files/ck_maptier.sql and csgo/scripts/mysql-files/ck_zones.sql
  2. Run both of these in your database.
    Note: The included zones are not perfect and may be missing checkpoints/bonuses etc.

Create the zones and maptiers yourself

  1. The zones menu can be accessed by using !zones command in chat and is self-explanatory.
  2. If you get to a point where you need to place a zone on a oddly shaped platform you will need to use the !hookzones command in chat.
    • If the map creator was nice enough to place zones that we can "hook" into our database. "Hooking" zones allows us to use a trigger on the map as a zone.
      • For example, since the end zone on surf_me isn't a square, it's not really possible to zone correctly, but since the mapper was kind enough to add a trigger that fits the platform, we can set this trigger as the end zone and then we have a perfect end zone.
      • Some maps have two end zones for a map/bonus with the same targetname. By default only one of these will work, you will have to rename the 2nd trigger_multiple's targetname to something unique
        • For example, 2 zones named bonus_end you'd rename one to bonus_end_1
    • If the map creator was not nice and has not placed any zones for us to "hook" you will need to compromise on the placement of the "cube" zone that will allow the best functionality.
  3. To insert a maptier into your database you simply need to load the map and use the command !amt followed by the tier of the map. Example: !amt 2 will add the map with a tier of 2.
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