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Discord Integration

Bara edited this page Nov 9, 2020 · 1 revision

Discord Integration

  • If you choose to use the various discord features, please make sure of the following.

    • If you setup mentions other than @here or @everyone, you must use the ID of the role, and not just @rolename. To get the ID of the role, you have to type \@rolename in a discord channel and copy the output.
    • If you want to use custom thumbnails/images, make sure they have the exact same name as the map in question, and that they are in the .jpg format. Furthermore, don't forget to add / at the end of the url.
    • To edit the color of the embeds, use the hexadecimal color format. You can generate this using this website.
  • If you have been following through the installation process this is the end. You should now have a completed surf server.

  • If you have any errors that have no been solved by following the guide then please see Common errors before seeking assistance on our Discord.

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