Once Pipeline API is started you can create a cluster in the following ways:
- Using the Postman examples
- Using `make create-cluster` and `make delete-cluster`. If you have AWS CLI installed you can use `make ec2-list-instances` in order to see the list of clusters
- Use CURL `curl http://localhost:9090/api/v1/clusters -X POST -d name=test-$(USER) -d location=eu-west-1 -d nodeInstanceType=m4.xlarge -d nodeInstanceSpotPrice=0.2 -d nodeMin=1 -d nodeMax=3 -d image=ami-6d48500b`
Note: AWS spot prices are supported
Always use the delete feature of Pipeline. In case for some reason you can't delete the cluster through Pipeline, please remove the resources from the Cloud manually by starting with the AutoScalingGroup - otherwise AWS will relaunch the instances.
Pipeline creates, manages and deletes cloud resources for you. In order to avoid accidental exits and leave unremoved cloud resources, CTRL-C
like exists are not supported. Should you want to exit Pipeline you should get the process ID and kill it manually.
Substitute with the ID of your cluster:
curl -i -X PUT http://localhost:9090/api/v1/clusters/<clusterid> -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"node":{"minCount":6,"maxCount":12}}'
Currently Pipeline runs at the highest log level - in case of any problems please collect the logs and open an issue.