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142 lines (107 loc) · 4.7 KB

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142 lines (107 loc) · 4.7 KB


This module prints off values from stocks. It is developed with cryptocurrencies in mind, so the default API target is the Kraken servers.



It gets actual price through API, so needs dexador and yason. Also, the price getter is asynchronous with the bordeaux-threads machinery.

(ql:quickload '("dexador" "yason" "bordeaux-threads"))


Place the following in your ~/.stumpwmrc file:

(load-module "ticker")

Use %T in your mode line format, for example:

(setf *screen-mode-line-format*
      (list "[%n]"                      ; Groups
            "%v"                        ; Windows
            "^>"                        ; Push right
            " | %T"                     ; Ticker      <<<--- this module
            " | %d"))                   ; Clock

And define some tickers with its parameters. This line defines one ticker that defaults to the Bitcoin/USD pair:

(ticker:define-ticker)    ; Bitcoin as default

You can define more tickers and parameterize as desired, see the Notes:

    :symbol "XBT" ;;"₿"   ; Bitcoin
    :threshold 0.01)
    :pair "XETHZUSD"      ; Ethereum
    :symbol "ETH")
    :pair "ADAUSD"        ; Cardano
    :symbol "ADA" ;;"₳"
    :threshold 0.0001
    :delay 60
    :decimals 3
    :gauge-width 9)


The parameters that can be customized when defining a ticker and its default values are:

:pair         "XXBTZUSD" ; pair to get from API
:symbol       "BTC"      ; label the ticker
:colors       t          ; use colors
:threshold    0.001      ; 0.1% deviation from average to colorize
:delay        30         ; seconds between updates
:decimals     0          ; number of decimal digits
:localization 2          ; formatting number
:gauge-width  7          ; width of the gauge bar in characters

The minimum parameters to define are the :pair to get the value from the API, and the :symbol to label the ticker in the modeline. The :pair is one of the listed at:

The :symbol is a string and can be blank.

Price format is colorized depending on the :colors flag. You can customize setting it to t or nil when defining the ticker.

Colors depends on a comparison between actual value and the last values average:

Bright yellow^B^3*Price is higher than average
Red^1*Price is below average
White^7*Price is similar to average
Default color^**When modeline-use-colors is nil

There is a threshold around average, so the increasing or decreasing color is only applied if :threshold is passed.

Last values average is calculated over a 3 hours values list, where values are stored on every modeline refresh in a FIFO fashion.

Connection to the API price server is limited by a :delay interval, in seconds. So connection attempts between interval time are blocked.

The number of decimal places is set by :decimals, when 0 there is no decimals.

The localization format is set by :localization code, when 0 there is no thousand separator, gives 1234.56 and the :decimals parameter does not work, when 1 the thousand separator is comma and gives 1,234.56, when 2 the thousand separator is period and gives 1.234,56, and when 3 the thousand separator is space and gives 1 234,56.

It is possible to add a gauge bar with the tendency of the actual value between the low and high in the last 24 hours with :gauge-width. Value must be greater than 1 to be shown.

There is an exported parameter *tickers-separator* that defines the string to put between tickers, as a separator. Can be customized, but be aware not to use tilde “~” or other combinations because it is interpreted by the format function:

(setf ticker:*tickers-separator* " | ")


Try to use conditions’ handler-case machinery to avoid the internet timeouts or the computer sleeping process, to stuck the modeline.

The truncate function is used when formatting the values, so some precission loss is expected.

There is an internal function ticker::reset-all-tickers that closes all threads tasks and resets the *tickers* list. Also the ticker::purge-all-tickers function that closes all threads tasks and purges the *tickers* list.