To run this example you need to execute:
$ terraform init
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply
Notice that the Auto Scaling configuration set by this module will be listening only to the CPU average utilization metric.
If you want to configure Auto Scaling by using different metrics, you would need to set the Terraform resources separately.
Note that this example create resources which can cost money (AWS Fargate Services, for example). Run terraform destroy
when you don't need these resources.
Name | Description |
vpc | VPC created for ECS cluster |
ecr | ECR Docker registry for Docker images |
ecs_cluster | ECS cluster |
application_load_balancers | ALBs which expose ECS services |
web_security_group | Security groups attached to ALBs |
services_security_groups | Security groups attached to ECS services |
cloudwatch_log_groups | CloudWatch groups for ECS services |