This config will define packages using the use-package module. The packages should always ensure loading and use the two largest package repositories. It will also keep the elpa keyring up to date automatically.
- straight-use-package allows installation of non-melpa packages through git
(setq use-package-always-ensure t
'(("melpa" . "")
("elpa" . "")))
(unless (package-installed-p 'use-package)
(package-install 'use-package))
(eval-when-compile (require 'use-package))
(use-package gnu-elpa-keyring-update)
;; straight-use-package
(defvar bootstrap-version)
(let ((bootstrap-file
(expand-file-name "straight/repos/straight.el/bootstrap.el" user-emacs-directory))
(bootstrap-version 6))
(unless (file-exists-p bootstrap-file)
(url-retrieve-synchronously ""
'silent 'inhibit-cookies)
(goto-char (point-max))
(load bootstrap-file nil 'nomessage))
- Configure default tab width and make emacs use spaces
- Treat manual and automatic buffer switching the same
- Open a buffer somewhere if currently in a dedicated window which can’t display it
- Disable start up message, turn of bells, and make it harder to quit by accident
- Enable middle mouse click paste for Linux and disable right click
- Enable overwriting selected text
- Focus the buffer menu when it’s opened
- Try and open relative path files like every other editor
(setq-default tab-width 4)
(defvaralias 'c-basic-offset 'tab-width)
(defvaralias 'cperl-indent-level 'tab-width)
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
(setq default-directory default-directory)
(defun my-find-file (file)
"Open the current file if it exists; otherwise, create a new buffer with the specified relative path."
(interactive (list (read-file-name "Find file: " default-directory)))
(if (file-exists-p file)
(find-file file)))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-f") 'my-find-file)
;; switch-to-buffer-obey-display-actions t
;; switch-to-buffer-in-dedicated-window pop
inhibit-startup-message t
ring-bell-function 'ignore
mouse-yank-at-point t)
(global-unset-key (kbd "C-x C-c"))
(global-unset-key [mouse-3])
(delete-selection-mode t)
(global-set-key [remap list-buffers] #'buffer-menu)
- Consolidate backup files
- Automatically load changed files from disk
- Bind C-w to close buffers and eventually the window
(setq backup-directory-alist `((".*" . ,"~/Documents/.backups")))
(global-auto-revert-mode t)
(global-unset-key (kbd "S-C-n"))
(global-set-key (kbd "S-C-n") 'make-frame)
(defun kill-buffer-or-exit ()
"Kill the current buffer or exit Emacs if there's only one user buffer remaining."
(if (= 0 (length (seq-filter 'buffer-file-name (buffer-list))))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-w") 'kill-buffer-or-exit)
(global-set-key [f1] 'neotree-toggle)
(global-set-key (kbd "<f2>") (lambda ()
(find-file "~/Sync/Documents/Notes/")))
(global-set-key (kbd "<f3>") (lambda ()
(find-file "~/.emacs.d/")))
- sudo-edit to compensate for my lack of foresight
- ripgrep for fast search
(use-package sudo-edit)
(use-package consult)
- Enable a fringe/gutter on the side of the window
- Enable custom themes without being prompted to allow
- Disable toolbars, tooltips, and menus
- Turn on line numbers and don’t break lines in programming modes
- Install rainbow-mode to highlight hex colors#FF0000)
- Install rainbow-delimiters for paranthesis matching
- Install diminish to allow disabling of minor mode spam in the modeline
- Set the font conditionally to the correct size based on the system-name
fringe-mode 10
custom-safe-themes t
current-theme nil
dark-theme 'leuven-dark
light-theme 'leuven)
(tool-bar-mode -1)
(tooltip-mode -1)
(menu-bar-mode -1)
(use-package rainbow-mode
(rainbow-mode 1))
(use-package rainbow-delimiters
:hook (prog-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode))
(use-package diminish)
;; TODO Wrap this in one prog-mode function
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook (lambda () (display-line-numbers-mode 1)))
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook (lambda () (set-default 'truncate-lines t)))
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook (lambda () (setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)))
(let ((font-size (if (string= (system-name) "thinkpad") 130 150)))
(set-face-attribute 'default nil :font "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font" :height font-size))
- Use the beautiful leuven-theme
- Adapt the theme based on the time of day, swap between dark and light
(use-package leuven-theme)
(defun adapt-theme ()
(let* ((time (current-time))
(decoded-time (decode-time time))
(hour (nth 2 decoded-time)))
(if (or (< hour 7) (>= hour 19))
(unless (eq current-theme dark-theme)
(setq current-theme dark-theme)
(load-theme dark-theme))
(unless (eq current-theme light-theme)
(setq current-theme light-theme)
(load-theme light-theme)))))
(defun clear-theme ()
(disable-theme dark-theme)
(disable-theme light-theme)
(setq current-theme nil))
(defun reset-theme ()
;; Because loading a prior desktop save has an adverse affect
;; on the state of the theme, by retaining what could have been
;; a different font lock than what the intended themes provide
;; by way of the user interactively changing themes. We need
;; to hook into the desktop reload and start from scratch.
(add-hook 'desktop-after-read-hook 'reset-theme)
;; Set the correct theme when launched if not using a saved desktop
(unless desktop-save-mode
;; Try and swap themes every minute in case it's time to change
(run-with-timer 0 60 'adapt-theme)
- Configure orderless to allow out of order search tokens
- Configure partial completion for files to allow find-file to do things like~/.e/
- Ignore file casing, no one has time for that
- Configure vertico as the vertical completion mini-buffer
- Designate certain categories of commands to open buffers, they can then be specifically placed beyond just the mini-buffer
(use-package orderless
:ensure t
(completion-styles '(orderless basic))
(completion-category-overrides '((file (styles basic partial-completion)))))
(setq read-file-name-completion-ignore-case t
read-buffer-completion-ignore-case t
completion-ignore-case t)
(use-package vertico
:bind (:map vertico-map
("C-j" . vertico-next)
("C-k" . vertico-previous))
(setq vertico-resize nil)
Temporarily disabling ;; left, top, right, bottom (setq window-sides-slots ‘(0 0 1 0))
;;(setq display-buffer-alist ‘()) (add-to-list ‘display-buffer-alist ‘(“^\*[Gg]rep” (display-buffer-in-side-window) (side . right) (slot . 0) (window-parameters . ((no-delete-other-windows . t))) (window-width . 0.5)))
- Configure which-key to provide a minibuffer when a leader is pressed
- Configure helpful to provide context aware help from the buffer
(use-package which-key
:diminish which-key-mode
:init (setq which-key-idle-delay 0.3)
:config (which-key-mode))
(use-package marginalia
- Configure agenda paths, both syncthing shared paths and local paths, and refiling
- Add key bindings for links and agenda mode
- Hide keywords and markup for tidiness
- Turn on org-tempo to allow expansion of <s TAB to #+begin_src
- Automatically turn on visual line mode
(defun my-org-agenda-files ()
(let* ((manual-agenda-files
(directory-files-recursively "~/Documents/" "\.org$")))
(append manual-agenda-files document-files)))
(use-package org
:bind (:map org-mode-map
("\C-cl" . org-store-link)
("\C-ca" . org-agenda))
org-agenda-files (my-org-agenda-files)
org-refile-targets '((nil :maxlevel . 9) (org-agenda-files :maxlevel . 9))
org-hidden-keywords (quote (title author email date begin_quote end_quote))
org-adapt-indentation nil
org-hide-emphasis-markers t
org-fontify-whole-heading-line t)
(add-to-list 'org-modules 'org-tempo t)
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'visual-line-mode))
;; Visual fill mode for margins
(use-package visual-fill-column
(setq visual-fill-column-center-text t)
(setq-default fill-column 90)
(add-hook 'visual-line-mode-hook 'visual-fill-column-mode))
- Enable vim motions
- Make j & k respect visual lines
- Unbind C-w so I can repurpose it to kill buffers
- Make C-u page up like it should be
(use-package evil
:demand t
:bind (
:map evil-motion-state-map ("C-w" . nil)
:map evil-insert-state-map ("C-w" . nil)
:map evil-emacs-state-map ("C-w" . nil)
("<escape>" . keyboard-escape-quit))
(setq evil-want-keybinding nil
evil-respect-visual-line-mode t
evil-want-C-u-scroll t)
(evil-set-undo-system 'undo-redo)
(evil-mode 1))
(use-package evil-collection
:diminish evil-collection-unimpaired-mode
:after evil
:config (evil-collection-init))
- Non-default modes for extended behaviors
;; Clojure
(use-package clojure-ts-mode)
;; Lua
(use-package lua-mode)
;; Web dev
(use-package web-mode
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.html?\\'" . web-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.css\\'" . web-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.\\(js\\|mjs\\|cjs\\)\\'" . web-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.ts\\'" . web-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.php\\'" . web-mode))
(setq web-mode-markup-indent-offset 2
web-mode-css-indent-offset 2
web-mode-code-indent-offset 2))
;; Unity
'(unity :type git :host github :repo "elizagamedev/unity.el"))
(use-package shader-mode
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.shader\\'" . shader-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.compute\\'" . shader-mode)))
- Configure treesitter for detailed syntax highlighting
;; Language grammars
(setq treesit-language-source-alist
'((bash "")
(csharp "")
(clojure "")
(css "")
(elisp "")
(html "")
(javascript "" "master" "src")
(json "")
(lua "")
(markdown "")
(python "")
(ruby "")
(tsx "" "master" "tsx/src")
(typescript "" "master" "typescript/src")
(yaml "")))
(unless (file-directory-p "~/.emacs.d/tree-sitter")
(mapc #'treesit-install-language-grammar
(mapcar #'car treesit-language-source-alist)))
;; Map modes to treesitter modes
(setq major-mode-remap-alist
'((bash-mode . bash-ts-mode)
(chsarp-mode . csharp-ts-mode)
(clojure-mode . clojure-ts-mode)
(css-mode . css-ts-mode)
(yaml-mode . yaml-ts-mode)
(js-mode . js-ts-mode)
(json-mode . json-ts-mode)
(python-mode . python-ts-mode)
(typescript-mode . typescript-ts-mode)))
- Add LSP servers to the list and ensure they start when a mode is activated
;;; Generic LSP client
(use-package eglot
(setq eglot-autoshutdown t)
(setq eldoc-echo-area-use-multiline-p 0.1)
(add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs '(clojure-ts-mode . ("clojure-lsp")))
(clojure-ts-mode . eglot-ensure))
- Configure Cider for REPL capabilities inside emacs
;;; Clojure dev
(use-package cider
:init (add-hook 'cider-mode-hook #'clj-refactor-mode)
:diminish subword-mode
(setq nrepl-log-messages t
cider-repl-use-clojure-font-lock t
cider-prompt-save-file-on-load 'always-save
cider-font-lock-dynamically '(macro core function var)
nrepl-hide-special-buffers t
cider-overlays-use-font-lock t)