See NEW MODULE for the official Hashicorp provider googleworkspace here: strg-at/terraform-googleworkspace-user-group-management
Hashicorp has released terraform-provider-googleworkspace as official provider for GWorkspace user/group management. Therefore this module will not be maintained anymore.
IAC Implementation for User- and Group Management in Google Workspace (formerly GSuite)
This repo has the following folder structure:
- modules: This folder contains a set of modules for maintaining Users and Groups in Google Workspace.
- examples: This folder shows examples on how to use this module with different data sources as well as an example for a data source and authentication with the Google API.
To maintain the Google Workspace ressources a Service account is needed. See example-gsuite-authentication on how to provide credentials to Terraform.
Contributions are very welcome! Please create a Pull Request.
This module uses Semantic Versioning.
This code is released under the MIT License. Please see LICENSE for more details.
- Jasmin Müller (:octocat: jazzlyn) - implementation