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feeder: simplified file.IsNew calculation to be assigned only once in…
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…stead of assigning and subsequently removing (based on filter criteria), and automatically select feature option 'standard' when no options are selected
  • Loading branch information
stojy committed Sep 9, 2023
1 parent b7c95e5 commit 0b4646b
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Showing 4 changed files with 57 additions and 74 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions ClrVpin/Feeder/FeederResults.xaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vps:FileCollection}">
<TextBlock FontSize="18" FontWeight="Bold" VerticalAlignment="Center" Text="{Binding Title}"
Foreground="{Binding IsNewAndSelectedFileType, Converter={StaticResource TabItemToColorConverter}}" />
Foreground="{Binding IsNewAndSelectedFileCollectionType, Converter={StaticResource TabItemToColorConverter}}" />
<materialDesign:PackIcon Kind="NewBox" Height="32" Width="32" Margin="1,-16,0,0"
Foreground="{Binding IsNewAndSelectedFileType, Converter={StaticResource TabItemToColorConverter}}"
Foreground="{Binding IsNewAndSelectedFileCollectionType, Converter={StaticResource TabItemToColorConverter}}"
Visibility="{Binding IsNew, Converter={StaticResource ReverseBoolToHiddenConverter}}" />
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123 changes: 53 additions & 70 deletions ClrVpin/Feeder/FeederResultsViewModel.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ public FeederResultsViewModel(IList<GameItem> gameItems, IList<LocalGame> localG
(Settings.SelectedTableFilter == null || gameItem.Name.Contains(Settings.SelectedTableFilter, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) &&
// **ALL** file level filtering - this is based on IsNew calculated within UpdateOnlineGameFileDetails, e.g. FSS only, time range, simulator, url status, etc
(gameItem.OnlineGame == null || Settings.SelectedOnlineFileTypeOptions.ContainsAny(gameItem.OnlineGame.NewFileCollectionTypes)) &&
(gameItem.OnlineGame == null || Settings.SelectedOnlineFileTypeOptions.ContainsAny(gameItem.OnlineGame.IsNewFileCollectionTypes)) &&
// table match type, e.g. local, online, local and online
Settings.SelectedTableMatchOptions.Contains(gameItem.TableMatchType) &&
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,9 +184,9 @@ public FeederResultsViewModel(IList<GameItem> gameItems, IList<LocalGame> localG
UrlStatusOptionsView = FeatureOptions.CreateFeatureOptionsMultiSelectionView(StaticSettings.UrlStatusOptions,
() => Model.Settings.Feeder.SelectedUrlStatusOptions, _ => UpdateOnlineGameFileDetails(), includeSelectAll: false, minimumNumberOfSelections: 1),

// invoke online game file update to handle IsNewAndSelectedFileType which is file type sensitive
// invoke online game file update to handle IsNewAndSelectedFileCollectionType which is file type sensitive
OnlineFileTypeOptionsView = FeatureOptions.CreateFeatureOptionsMultiSelectionView(StaticSettings.OnlineFileTypeOptions,
() => Model.Settings.Feeder.SelectedOnlineFileTypeOptions, _ => SelectedOnlineFileTypeUpdated(), includeSelectAll: false, minimumNumberOfSelections: 1),
() => Model.Settings.Feeder.SelectedOnlineFileTypeOptions, _ => UpdateFilterOptionsBasedOnSelectedFileTypes(), includeSelectAll: false, minimumNumberOfSelections: 1),

MiscFeaturesOptionsView = FeatureOptions.CreateFeatureOptionsMultiSelectionView(StaticSettings.MiscFeatureOptions,
() => Model.Settings.Feeder.SelectedMiscFeatureOptions, _ => UpdateOnlineGameFileDetails(), includeSelectAll: false, minimumNumberOfSelections: 1),
Expand All @@ -202,8 +202,8 @@ public FeederResultsViewModel(IList<GameItem> gameItems, IList<LocalGame> localG

NavigateToUrlCommand = new ActionCommand<string>(url => Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(url) { UseShellExecute = true }));

// force 'IsFileNew' update check
// update filter options and IsNew properties

BackupFolder = Model.Settings.BackupFolder;
NavigateToBackupFolderCommand = new ActionCommand(NavigateToBackupFolder);
Expand All @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ public FeederResultsViewModel(IList<GameItem> gameItems, IList<LocalGame> localG
// - select the first tab item that has new file content AND matches the selected file type, e.g. tables, backglasses, etc.
// - else, select the first tab that has file content
// - else, select the first tab
var selectedFileCollection = SelectedGameItem?.OnlineGame?.AllFileCollectionsList.FirstOrDefault(fileList => fileList.IsNewAndSelectedFileType) ??
var selectedFileCollection = SelectedGameItem?.OnlineGame?.AllFileCollectionsList.FirstOrDefault(fileList => fileList.IsNewAndSelectedFileCollectionType) ??
SelectedGameItem?.OnlineGame?.AllFileCollectionsList.FirstOrDefault(fileList => fileList.Count > 0) ??
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -385,20 +385,27 @@ private async Task AllTableUpdateDatabase(bool overwriteProperties)

private void NavigateToBackupFolder() => Process.Start("explorer.exe", BackupFolder);

private void SelectedOnlineFileTypeUpdated()
private void UpdateFilterOptionsBasedOnSelectedFileTypes()
// table file
// table file type - enable features
UpdateMiscFeatureState(new [] {OnlineFileTypeEnum.Tables},
MiscFeatureOptionEnum.VirtualRealityOnly, MiscFeatureOptionEnum.FullSingleScreenOnly, MiscFeatureOptionEnum.MusicOrSoundMod, MiscFeatureOptionEnum.BlackAndWhiteMod);

// - enable simulator options and also default first option VPX if none are already selected
var isTableEnabled = Settings.SelectedOnlineFileTypeOptions.Contains(OnlineFileTypeEnum.Tables.GetDescription());
FeatureOptions.UpdateFeatureOptions(isTableEnabled, GameFiltersViewModel.SimulatorOptionsFilterView.ToList(), (int) SimulatorOptionEnum.VirtualPinballX);

// backglass file
// backglass file - enable features
UpdateMiscFeatureState(new [] {OnlineFileTypeEnum.Backglasses}, MiscFeatureOptionEnum.FullDmd);

// table or backglass file
UpdateMiscFeatureState(new [] {OnlineFileTypeEnum.Tables, OnlineFileTypeEnum.Backglasses}, MiscFeatureOptionEnum.Standard);
// table or backglass file - enable features
var tableAndBackglassFileType = new[] { OnlineFileTypeEnum.Tables, OnlineFileTypeEnum.Backglasses };
UpdateMiscFeatureState(tableAndBackglassFileType, MiscFeatureOptionEnum.Standard);

// - automatically standard simulator options and also default first option VPX if none are already selected
var isTableOrBackglassEnabled = Settings.SelectedOnlineFileTypeOptions.ContainsAny(tableAndBackglassFileType.Select(x => x.GetDescription()));
if (isTableOrBackglassEnabled)
FeatureOptions.SelectDefaultFeatureType(GameFiltersViewModel.MiscFeaturesOptionsView.ToList(), (int) MiscFeatureOptionEnum.Standard);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -433,82 +440,58 @@ private void UpdateOnlineGameFileDetails()
fileCollection.ForEach(file =>
// flag file - if the update time range is satisfied
// - this is different to the generated 'gameItem updatedAt' which is an aggregation of the all the content and their file timestamps.. refer GameItemsView filtering
file.IsNew = IsNewUpdatedTimestamp(file);
// todo; change to 'add' rather than 'remove'
// treat file as NOT new if any of the following rules are satisfied
// - VR only
ClearIsNew(file, fileCollectionTypeEnum, OnlineFileTypeEnum.Tables, () =>
file.FeatureOptions.Contains(MiscFeatureOptionEnum.VirtualRealityOnly) && !Settings.SelectedMiscFeatureOptions.Contains(MiscFeatureOptionEnum.VirtualRealityOnly));
// - FSS only
ClearIsNew(file, fileCollectionTypeEnum, OnlineFileTypeEnum.Tables, () =>
file.FeatureOptions.Contains(MiscFeatureOptionEnum.FullSingleScreenOnly) && !Settings.SelectedMiscFeatureOptions.Contains(MiscFeatureOptionEnum.FullSingleScreenOnly));
// - music/sound mod
ClearIsNew(file, fileCollectionTypeEnum, OnlineFileTypeEnum.Tables, () =>
file.FeatureOptions.Contains(MiscFeatureOptionEnum.MusicOrSoundMod) && !Settings.SelectedMiscFeatureOptions.Contains(MiscFeatureOptionEnum.MusicOrSoundMod));
// - black and white mod
ClearIsNew(file, fileCollectionTypeEnum, OnlineFileTypeEnum.Tables, () =>
file.FeatureOptions.Contains(MiscFeatureOptionEnum.BlackAndWhiteMod) && !Settings.SelectedMiscFeatureOptions.Contains(MiscFeatureOptionEnum.BlackAndWhiteMod));
// - standard table
ClearIsNew(file, fileCollectionTypeEnum, OnlineFileTypeEnum.Tables, () =>
file.FeatureOptions.Contains(MiscFeatureOptionEnum.Standard) && !Settings.SelectedMiscFeatureOptions.Contains(MiscFeatureOptionEnum.Standard));
// - full DMD
ClearIsNew(file, fileCollectionTypeEnum, OnlineFileTypeEnum.Backglasses, () =>
file.FeatureOptions.Contains(MiscFeatureOptionEnum.FullDmd) && !Settings.SelectedMiscFeatureOptions.Contains(MiscFeatureOptionEnum.FullDmd));
// - standard DMD
ClearIsNew(file, fileCollectionTypeEnum, OnlineFileTypeEnum.Backglasses, () =>
file.FeatureOptions.Contains(MiscFeatureOptionEnum.Standard) && !Settings.SelectedMiscFeatureOptions.Contains(MiscFeatureOptionEnum.Standard));
// - simulator application, aka file format, e.g. VPX, FP, etc
ClearIsNew(file, fileCollectionTypeEnum, OnlineFileTypeEnum.Tables, () =>
Settings.SelectedSimulatorOptionFilter.Any() && // shouldn't be possible to have fileType=Tables enabled without a simulator option, but added anyway for peace of mind
!Settings.SelectedSimulatorOptionFilter.Contains((file as TableFile)?.Simulator ?? SimulatorOptionEnum.Unknown));
// download URL status
ClearIsNew(file, fileCollectionTypeEnum, null, () =>
// flag each url within the file - required to allow for simpler view binding
// flag each FILE as new based on the various criteria
file.IsNew =
// update time range is satisfied
// - this is different to the generated 'gameItem updatedAt' which is an aggregation of the all the content and their file timestamps.. refer GameItemsView filtering
IsNewUpdatedTimestamp(file) &&
// feature options.. currently only supported by tables and backglasses
(!fileCollectionTypeEnum.In(OnlineFileTypeEnum.Tables, OnlineFileTypeEnum.Backglasses) ||
IsNew(fileCollectionTypeEnum, OnlineFileTypeEnum.Tables, () =>
file.FeatureOptions.ContainsAny(Settings.SelectedMiscFeatureOptions)) == true ||
IsNew(fileCollectionTypeEnum, OnlineFileTypeEnum.Backglasses, () =>
file.FeatureOptions.ContainsAny(Settings.SelectedMiscFeatureOptions)) == true
) &&
// simulator application, aka file format, e.g. VPX, FP, etc.. only applies to tables, e.g. should be ignored for backglass, dmd, etc
(!fileCollectionTypeEnum.In(OnlineFileTypeEnum.Tables) ||
IsNew(fileCollectionTypeEnum, OnlineFileTypeEnum.Tables, () =>
Settings.SelectedSimulatorOptionFilter.Any() &&
Settings.SelectedSimulatorOptionFilter.Contains((file as TableFile)?.Simulator ?? SimulatorOptionEnum.Unknown)) == true) &&
// download URL status
IsNew(fileCollectionTypeEnum, null, () =>
Settings.SelectedUrlStatusOptions.Contains(file.UrlStatusEnum)) == true;
// url IsNew property - used to support download button color
file.Urls.ForEach(url => url.IsNew = file.IsNew);
fileCollection.Title = fileCollectionType;
// support file type 'new' indicator
// fileCollection IsNew property - used to support *grey* 'new' icon on the file collection type shown on RHS, e.g. tables, backglasses, etc.
fileCollection.IsNew = fileCollection.Any(file => file.IsNew);
// support file border, URL button color, automatically selecting the first tab item
fileCollection.IsNewAndSelectedFileType = fileCollection.IsNew && Settings.SelectedOnlineFileTypeOptions.Contains(fileCollectionType);
// fileCollection IsNew and content filter selected property - used to support *green* 'new' file collection and automatically selecting the relevant tab item
fileCollection.IsNewAndSelectedFileCollectionType = fileCollection.IsNew && Settings.SelectedOnlineFileTypeOptions.Contains(fileCollectionType);
// support gameItem filtering
// support gameItem filtering, i.e. top level filter displayed on LHS
// - assign a helper property to designate the new status of the file collections
// - avoid re-calculating this every time we have a non-update time filter change
onlineGame.NewFileCollectionTypes = onlineGame.AllFileCollections.Where(kv => kv.Value.IsNew).Select(kv => kv.Key).ToList();
onlineGame.IsNewFileCollectionTypes = onlineGame.AllFileCollections.Where(kv => kv.Value.IsNew).Select(kv => kv.Key).ToList();


private static void ClearIsNew(File file, OnlineFileTypeEnum actualFileCollectionTypeEnum, OnlineFileTypeEnum? requiredOnlineFileTypeEnum, Func<bool> shouldClearIsNew)
private static bool? IsNew(OnlineFileTypeEnum actualFileCollectionTypeEnum, OnlineFileTypeEnum? requiredOnlineFileTypeEnum, Func<bool> isNewFunc)
// update the file's isNew status to false if..
// - file has not already been designated isNew=false
// - the file type is a match, e.g. don't validate isNew for a backglass when checking the simulator type
// - the caller decides that the file should be ignored
if (file.IsNew && (requiredOnlineFileTypeEnum == null || actualFileCollectionTypeEnum == requiredOnlineFileTypeEnum) && shouldClearIsNew())
file.IsNew = false;
// if the file type matches (or is don't care), then invoke the callback to allow the caller to determine if the file is new (or not)
// - returning null indicates no check was made, i.e. n/a
return requiredOnlineFileTypeEnum == null || actualFileCollectionTypeEnum == requiredOnlineFileTypeEnum ? isNewFunc() : null;

private bool IsNewUpdatedTimestamp(File file) => file.UpdatedAt >= (Settings.SelectedUpdatedAtDateBegin ?? DateTime.MinValue) && file.UpdatedAt <= (Settings.SelectedUpdatedAtDateEnd?.AddDays(1) ?? DateTime.Now);
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ClrVpin/Models/Feeder/Vps/OnlineGame.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ public class OnlineGame : OnlineGameBase
// reference to the highest fuzzy ranked DB match
public LocalGameHit Hit { get; set; }

public List<string> NewFileCollectionTypes { get; set; } = new();
public List<string> IsNewFileCollectionTypes { get; set; } = new();

public string CreateDescription() => $"{Name?.Trim()} ({Manufacturer?.Trim()} {Year})";
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ClrVpin/Models/Feeder/Vps/OnlineGameBase.cs
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Expand Up @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ public FileCollection(IEnumerable<File> files)

public bool IsNew { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public bool IsNewAndSelectedFileType { get; set; }
public bool IsNewAndSelectedFileCollectionType { get; set; }

// view model
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