- .NET Fundamentals -
- .NET Overview -
- Coding Standards - 9 Coding Standards
- Coding Standards - Coding Guidelines And Best Practices
- Only extra coding standard for this incubator is that we prefer Usings inside of the namespace for a variety of reasons.
For this Incubator we will be using .NET 5 - Scan through the basic concepts.
1. The Startup class
2. Dependency injection (services)
3. Middleware
4. Servers
5. Configuration
6. Options
7. Environments (dev, stage, prod)
8. Logging
9. Routing
10. Handle errors
11. Make HTTP requests
12. Static files
- Principles, Frameworks and Architectures
In this Incubator, we will build a solution based on the Single Responsibility Principle. To help us achieve this we will be making use of the CQRS pattern alongside a Clean Code Architecture. If you have never heard about these terms, don't worry we will be discussing them in detail.