$ result = $ client ->deleteAction ($ actionId );
$ result = $ client ->getAction ($ actionId );
$ result = $ client ->updateAction ($ actionId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getActionField ($ actionId , $ fieldName );
$ result = $ client ->getActionBoard ($ actionId );
$ result = $ client ->getActionBoardField ($ actionId , $ fieldName );
$ result = $ client ->getActionCard ($ actionId );
$ result = $ client ->getActionCardField ($ actionId , $ fieldName );
$ result = $ client ->getActionEntities ($ actionId );
$ result = $ client ->getActionList ($ actionId );
$ result = $ client ->getActionListField ($ actionId , $ fieldName );
$ result = $ client ->getActionMember ($ actionId );
$ result = $ client ->getActionMemberField ($ actionId , $ fieldName );
Get action member creator
$ result = $ client ->getActionMemberCreator ($ actionId );
Get action member creator field
$ result = $ client ->getActionMemberCreatorField ($ actionId , $ fieldName );
$ result = $ client ->getActionOrganization ($ actionId );
Get action organization field
$ result = $ client ->getActionOrganizationField ($ actionId , $ fieldName );
$ result = $ client ->updateActionText ($ actionId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getAuthorize ($ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getAuthorizationUrl ();
$ token = 'oauth-authorization-token ' ;
$ verifier = 'oauth-authorization-verifier ' ;
$ result = $ client ->getToken ($ token , $ verifier );
$ result = $ client ->addBatchUrl ($ url );
$ result = $ client ->getBatch ($ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getBatchUrls ();
$ result = $ client ->addBoard ($ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getBoard ($ boardId );
$ result = $ client ->updateBoard ($ boardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getBoardField ($ boardId , $ fieldName );
$ result = $ client ->getBoardActions ($ boardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getBoardBoardStars ($ boardId );
Add board calendar key generate
$ result = $ client ->addBoardCalendarKeyGenerate ($ boardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getBoardCards ($ boardId );
$ result = $ client ->getBoardCard ($ boardId , $ cardId );
Get board cards with filter
$ result = $ client ->getBoardCardsWithFilter ($ boardId , $ filter );
$ result = $ client ->getBoardChecklists ($ boardId );
$ result = $ client ->addBoardChecklist ($ boardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardClosed ($ boardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getBoardDeltas ($ boardId );
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardDesc ($ boardId , $ attributes );
Add board email key generate
$ result = $ client ->addBoardEmailKeyGenerate ($ boardId , $ attributes );
Update board id organization
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardIdOrganization ($ boardId , $ attributes );
Update board label name blue
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardLabelNameBlue ($ boardId , $ attributes );
Update board label name green
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardLabelNameGreen ($ boardId , $ attributes );
Update board label name orange
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardLabelNameOrange ($ boardId , $ attributes );
Update board label name purple
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardLabelNamePurple ($ boardId , $ attributes );
Update board label name red
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardLabelNameRed ($ boardId , $ attributes );
Update board label name yellow
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardLabelNameYellow ($ boardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getBoardCustomFields ($ boardId );
$ result = $ client ->getBoardLabels ($ boardId );
$ result = $ client ->addBoardLabel ($ boardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getBoardLabel ($ boardId , $ labelId );
$ result = $ client ->getBoardLists ($ boardId );
$ result = $ client ->addBoardList ($ boardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getBoardList ($ boardId , $ listId );
$ result = $ client ->addBoardMarkAsViewed ($ boardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getBoardMembers ($ boardId );
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardMembers ($ boardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->deleteBoardMember ($ boardId , $ memberId );
$ result = $ client ->getBoardMember ($ boardId , $ memberId );
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardMember ($ boardId , $ memberId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getBoardMemberCards ($ boardId , $ memberId );
$ result = $ client ->getBoardMemberships ($ boardId );
$ result = $ client ->getBoardMembership ($ boardId , $ membershipId );
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardMembership ($ boardId , $ membershipId , $ attributes );
Get board members inviteds
$ result = $ client ->getBoardMembersInviteds ($ boardId );
Get board members invited
$ result = $ client ->getBoardMembersInvited ($ boardId , $ membersInvitedId );
$ result = $ client ->getBoardMyPref ($ boardId );
Update board my pref email position
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardMyPrefEmailPosition ($ boardId , $ attributes );
Update board my pref id email list
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardMyPrefIdEmailList ($ boardId , $ attributes );
Update board my pref show list guide
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardMyPrefShowListGuide ($ boardId , $ attributes );
Update board my pref show sidebar
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardMyPrefShowSidebar ($ boardId , $ attributes );
Update board my pref show sidebar activity
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardMyPrefShowSidebarActivity ($ boardId , $ attributes );
Update board my pref show sidebar board action
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardMyPrefShowSidebarBoardAction ($ boardId , $ attributes );
Update board my pref show sidebar member
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardMyPrefShowSidebarMember ($ boardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardName ($ boardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getBoardOrganization ($ boardId );
Get board organization field
$ result = $ client ->getBoardOrganizationField ($ boardId , $ fieldName );
$ result = $ client ->addBoardPowerUp ($ boardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->deleteBoardPowerUp ($ boardId , $ powerUpId );
Update board pref background
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardPrefBackground ($ boardId , $ attributes );
Update board pref calendar feed enabled
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardPrefCalendarFeedEnabled ($ boardId , $ attributes );
Update board pref card aging
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardPrefCardAging ($ boardId , $ attributes );
Update board pref card covers
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardPrefCardCovers ($ boardId , $ attributes );
Update board pref comment
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardPrefComment ($ boardId , $ attributes );
Update board pref invitation
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardPrefInvitation ($ boardId , $ attributes );
Update board pref permission level
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardPrefPermissionLevel ($ boardId , $ attributes );
Update board pref self join
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardPrefSelfJoin ($ boardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardPrefVoting ($ boardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->updateBoardSubscribed ($ boardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->addCard ($ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->deleteCard ($ cardId );
$ result = $ client ->getCard ($ cardId );
$ result = $ client ->updateCard ($ cardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getCardField ($ cardId , $ fieldName );
$ result = $ client ->getCardAction ($ cardId );
Delete card action comment
$ result = $ client ->deleteCardActionComment ($ cardId , $ actionId );
Update card action comments
$ result = $ client ->updateCardActionComments ($ cardId , $ actionId , $ attributes );
Add card action comment
$ result = $ client ->addCardActionComment ($ cardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getCardAttachments ($ cardId );
$ attributes = [
'name ' => 'Cheddar Bo is delicious! ' ,
'file ' => fopen ('/path/to/cheddar-bo.jpg ' , 'r ' ),
'mimeType ' => 'image/jpeg ' ,
'url ' => null
$ result = $ client ->addCardAttachment ($ cardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->deleteCardAttachment ($ cardId , $ attachmentId );
$ result = $ client ->getCardAttachment ($ cardId , $ attachmentId );
$ result = $ client ->getCardBoard ($ cardId );
$ result = $ client ->getCardBoardField ($ cardId , $ fieldName );
Get card check item state
$ result = $ client ->getCardCheckItemState ($ cardId );
Add card checklist check item
$ result = $ client ->addCardChecklistCheckItem ($ cardId , $ checklistId , $ attributes );
Delete card checklist check item
$ result = $ client ->deleteCardChecklistCheckItem ($ cardId , $ checklistId , $ checkItemId );
Update card checklist check item
$ result = $ client ->updateCardChecklistCheckItem ($ cardId , $ checklistId , $ checkItemId , $ attributes );
Add card checklist check item convert to card
$ result = $ client ->addCardChecklistCheckItemConvertToCard ($ cardId , $ checklistId , $ checkItemId , $ attributes );
Update card checklist check item name
$ result = $ client ->updateCardChecklistCheckItemName ($ cardId , $ checklistId , $ checkItemId , $ attributes );
Update card checklist check item pos
$ result = $ client ->updateCardChecklistCheckItemPos ($ cardId , $ checklistId , $ checkItemId , $ attributes );
Update card checklist check item state
$ result = $ client ->updateCardChecklistCheckItemState ($ cardId , $ checklistId , $ checkItemId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getCardChecklists ($ cardId );
$ result = $ client ->addCardChecklist ($ cardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->deleteCardChecklist ($ cardId , $ checklistId );
$ result = $ client ->getCardCustomField ($ cardId , $ customFieldId );
$ result = $ client ->updateCardCustomField ($ cardId , $ customFieldId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->updateCardClosed ($ cardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->updateCardDesc ($ cardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->updateCardDue ($ cardId , $ attributes );
Update card id attachment cover
$ result = $ client ->updateCardIdAttachmentCover ($ cardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->updateCardIdBoard ($ cardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->addCardIdLabel ($ cardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->deleteCardIdLabel ($ cardId , $ idLabelId );
$ result = $ client ->updateCardIdList ($ cardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->addCardIdMember ($ cardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->updateCardIdMembers ($ cardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->deleteCardIdMember ($ cardId , $ idMemberId );
$ result = $ client ->addCardLabel ($ cardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->updateCardLabel ($ cardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->deleteCardLabel ($ cardId , $ labelId );
$ result = $ client ->getCardList ($ cardId );
$ result = $ client ->getCardListField ($ cardId , $ fieldName );
Add card mark associated notifications read
$ result = $ client ->addCardMarkAssociatedNotificationsRead ($ cardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getCardMembers ($ cardId );
$ result = $ client ->getCardMembersVoted ($ cardId );
$ result = $ client ->addCardMembersVoted ($ cardId , $ attributes );
Delete card members voted
$ result = $ client ->deleteCardMembersVoted ($ cardId , $ membersVotedId );
$ result = $ client ->updateCardName ($ cardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->updateCardPos ($ cardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getCardStickers ($ cardId );
$ result = $ client ->addCardSticker ($ cardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->deleteCardSticker ($ cardId , $ stickerId );
$ result = $ client ->getCardSticker ($ cardId , $ stickerId );
$ result = $ client ->updateCardSticker ($ cardId , $ stickerId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->updateCardSubscribed ($ cardId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->addChecklist ($ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->deleteChecklist ($ checklistId );
$ result = $ client ->getChecklist ($ checklistId );
$ result = $ client ->updateChecklist ($ checklistId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getChecklistField ($ checklistId , $ fieldName );
$ result = $ client ->getChecklistBoard ($ checklistId );
Get checklist board field
$ result = $ client ->getChecklistBoardField ($ checklistId , $ fieldName );
$ result = $ client ->getChecklistCards ($ checklistId );
$ result = $ client ->getChecklistCard ($ checklistId , $ cardId );
Get checklist check items
$ result = $ client ->getChecklistCheckItems ($ checklistId );
$ result = $ client ->addChecklistCheckItem ($ checklistId , $ attributes );
Delete checklist check item
$ result = $ client ->deleteChecklistCheckItem ($ checklistId , $ checkItemId );
$ result = $ client ->getChecklistCheckItem ($ checklistId , $ checkItemId );
$ result = $ client ->updateChecklistIdCard ($ checklistId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->updateChecklistName ($ checklistId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->updateChecklistPos ($ checklistId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->addCustomField ($ attributes );
Add option to a custom field
$ result = $ client ->addCustomFieldOption ($ customFieldId , $ attributes );
Update custom field option
$ result = $ client ->updateCustomFieldOption ($ customFieldId , $ optionId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->deleteCustomField ($ customFieldId );
$ result = $ client ->addLabel ($ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->deleteLabel ($ labelId );
$ result = $ client ->getLabel ($ labelId );
$ result = $ client ->updateLabel ($ labelId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getLabelBoard ($ labelId );
$ result = $ client ->getLabelBoardField ($ labelId , $ fieldName );
$ result = $ client ->updateLabelColor ($ labelId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->updateLabelName ($ labelId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->addList ($ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getList ($ listId );
$ result = $ client ->updateList ($ listId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getListField ($ listId , $ fieldName );
$ result = $ client ->getListActions ($ listId , $ attributes );
Add list archive all cards
$ result = $ client ->addListArchiveAllCards ($ listId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getListBoard ($ listId );
$ result = $ client ->getListBoardField ($ listId , $ fieldName );
$ result = $ client ->getListCards ($ listId );
$ result = $ client ->addListCard ($ listId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getListCard ($ listId , $ cardId );
$ result = $ client ->updateListClosed ($ listId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->updateListIdBoard ($ listId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->addListMoveAllCards ($ listId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->updateListName ($ listId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->updateListPos ($ listId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->updateListSubscribed ($ listId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getMember ($ memberId );
$ result = $ client ->updateMember ($ memberId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getMemberField ($ memberId , $ fieldName );
$ result = $ client ->getMemberActions ($ memberId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->addMemberAvatar ($ memberId , $ attributes );
Update member avatar source
$ result = $ client ->updateMemberAvatarSource ($ memberId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->updateMemberBio ($ memberId , $ attributes );
Get member board backgrounds
$ result = $ client ->getMemberBoardBackgrounds ($ memberId );
Add member board background
$ result = $ client ->addMemberBoardBackground ($ memberId , $ attributes );
Delete member board background
$ result = $ client ->deleteMemberBoardBackground ($ memberId , $ boardBackgroundId );
Get member board background
$ result = $ client ->getMemberBoardBackground ($ memberId , $ boardBackgroundId );
Update member board background
$ result = $ client ->updateMemberBoardBackground ($ memberId , $ boardBackgroundId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getMemberBoards ($ memberId );
$ result = $ client ->getMemberBoard ($ memberId , $ boardId );
Get member boards invited
$ result = $ client ->getMemberBoardsInvited ($ memberId );
Get member boards invited field
$ result = $ client ->getMemberBoardsInvitedField ($ memberId , $ fieldName );
$ result = $ client ->getMemberBoardStars ($ memberId );
$ result = $ client ->addMemberBoardStar ($ memberId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->deleteMemberBoardStar ($ memberId , $ boardStarId );
$ result = $ client ->getMemberBoardStar ($ memberId , $ boardStarId );
$ result = $ client ->updateMemberBoardStar ($ memberId , $ boardStarId , $ attributes );
Update member board star id board
$ result = $ client ->updateMemberBoardStarIdBoard ($ memberId , $ boardStarId , $ attributes );
Update member board star pos
$ result = $ client ->updateMemberBoardStarPos ($ memberId , $ boardStarId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getMemberCards ($ memberId );
$ result = $ client ->getMemberCard ($ memberId , $ cardId );
Get member custom board backgrounds
$ result = $ client ->getMemberCustomBoardBackgrounds ($ memberId );
Add member custom board background
$ result = $ client ->addMemberCustomBoardBackground ($ memberId , $ attributes );
Delete member custom board background
$ result = $ client ->deleteMemberCustomBoardBackground ($ memberId , $ customBoardBackgroundId );
Get member custom board background
$ result = $ client ->getMemberCustomBoardBackground ($ memberId , $ customBoardBackgroundId );
Update member custom board background
$ result = $ client ->updateMemberCustomBoardBackground ($ memberId , $ customBoardBackgroundId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getMemberCustomEmojis ($ memberId );
$ result = $ client ->addMemberCustomEmoji ($ memberId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getMemberCustomEmoji ($ memberId , $ customEmojiId );
Get member custom stickers
$ result = $ client ->getMemberCustomStickers ($ memberId );
Add member custom sticker
$ result = $ client ->addMemberCustomSticker ($ memberId , $ attributes );
Delete member custom sticker
$ result = $ client ->deleteMemberCustomSticker ($ memberId , $ customStickerId );
Get member custom sticker
$ result = $ client ->getMemberCustomSticker ($ memberId , $ customStickerId );
$ result = $ client ->getMemberDeltas ($ memberId );
$ result = $ client ->updateMemberFullName ($ memberId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->updateMemberInitials ($ memberId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getMemberNotifications ($ memberId );
$ result = $ client ->getMemberNotification ($ memberId , $ notificationId );
Add member one time messages dismissed
$ result = $ client ->addMemberOneTimeMessagesDismissed ($ memberId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getMemberOrganizations ($ memberId );
$ result = $ client ->getMemberOrganization ($ memberId , $ organizationId );
Get member organizations invited
$ result = $ client ->getMemberOrganizationsInvited ($ memberId );
Get member organizations invited field
$ result = $ client ->getMemberOrganizationsInvitedField ($ memberId , $ fieldName );
Update member pref color blind
$ result = $ client ->updateMemberPrefColorBlind ($ memberId , $ attributes );
Update member pref minutes between summaries
$ result = $ client ->updateMemberPrefMinutesBetweenSummaries ($ memberId , $ attributes );
Get member saved searches
$ result = $ client ->getMemberSavedSearches ($ memberId );
$ result = $ client ->addMemberSavedSearch ($ memberId , $ attributes );
Delete member saved search
$ result = $ client ->deleteMemberSavedSearch ($ memberId , $ savedSearcheId );
$ result = $ client ->getMemberSavedSearch ($ memberId , $ savedSearcheId );
Update member saved search
$ result = $ client ->updateMemberSavedSearch ($ memberId , $ savedSearcheId , $ attributes );
Update member saved search name
$ result = $ client ->updateMemberSavedSearchName ($ memberId , $ savedSearcheId , $ attributes );
Update member saved search pos
$ result = $ client ->updateMemberSavedSearchPos ($ memberId , $ savedSearcheId , $ attributes );
Update member saved search query
$ result = $ client ->updateMemberSavedSearchQuery ($ memberId , $ savedSearcheId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getMemberTokens ($ memberId );
$ result = $ client ->updateMemberUsername ($ memberId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getNotification ($ notificationId );
$ result = $ client ->updateNotification ($ notificationId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getNotificationField ($ notificationId , $ fieldName );
$ result = $ client ->getNotificationBoard ($ notificationId );
Get notification board field
$ result = $ client ->getNotificationBoardField ($ notificationId , $ fieldName );
$ result = $ client ->getNotificationCard ($ notificationId );
Get notification card field
$ result = $ client ->getNotificationCardField ($ notificationId , $ fieldName );
Get notification entities
$ result = $ client ->getNotificationEntities ($ notificationId );
$ result = $ client ->getNotificationList ($ notificationId );
Get notification list field
$ result = $ client ->getNotificationListField ($ notificationId , $ fieldName );
$ result = $ client ->getNotificationMember ($ notificationId );
Get notification member field
$ result = $ client ->getNotificationMemberField ($ notificationId , $ fieldName );
Get notification member creator
$ result = $ client ->getNotificationMemberCreator ($ notificationId );
Get notification member creator field
$ result = $ client ->getNotificationMemberCreatorField ($ notificationId , $ fieldName );
Get notification organization
$ result = $ client ->getNotificationOrganization ($ notificationId );
Get notification organization field
$ result = $ client ->getNotificationOrganizationField ($ notificationId , $ fieldName );
Update notification unread
$ result = $ client ->updateNotificationUnread ($ notificationId , $ attributes );
Add notification all read
$ result = $ client ->addNotificationAllRead ($ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->addOrganization ($ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->deleteOrganization ($ organizationId );
$ result = $ client ->getOrganization ($ organizationId );
$ result = $ client ->updateOrganization ($ organizationId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getOrganizationField ($ organizationId , $ fieldName );
$ result = $ client ->getOrganizationActions ($ organizationId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getOrganizationBoards ($ organizationId );
Get organization boards filter
$ result = $ client ->getOrganizationBoardsFilter ($ organizationId , $ filter );
$ result = $ client ->getOrganizationDeltas ($ organizationId );
$ result = $ client ->updateOrganizationDesc ($ organizationId , $ attributes );
Update organization display name
$ result = $ client ->updateOrganizationDisplayName ($ organizationId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->deleteOrganizationLogo ($ organizationId );
$ result = $ client ->addOrganizationLogo ($ organizationId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getOrganizationMembers ($ organizationId );
Update organization members
$ result = $ client ->updateOrganizationMembers ($ organizationId , $ attributes );
Delete organization member
$ result = $ client ->deleteOrganizationMember ($ organizationId , $ memberId );
Get organization members filter
$ result = $ client ->getOrganizationMembersFilter ($ organizationId , $ filter );
Update organization member
$ result = $ client ->updateOrganizationMember ($ organizationId , $ memberId , $ attributes );
Delete organization member all
$ result = $ client ->deleteOrganizationMemberAll ($ organizationId , $ memberId );
Get organization member cards
$ result = $ client ->getOrganizationMemberCards ($ organizationId , $ memberId );
Update organization member deactivated
$ result = $ client ->updateOrganizationMemberDeactivated ($ organizationId , $ memberId , $ attributes );
Get organization memberships
$ result = $ client ->getOrganizationMemberships ($ organizationId );
Get organization membership
$ result = $ client ->getOrganizationMembership ($ organizationId , $ membershipId );
Update organization membership
$ result = $ client ->updateOrganizationMembership ($ organizationId , $ membershipId , $ attributes );
Get organization members invited
$ result = $ client ->getOrganizationMembersInvited ($ organizationId );
Get organization members invited field
$ result = $ client ->getOrganizationMembersInvitedField ($ organizationId , $ fieldName );
$ result = $ client ->updateOrganizationName ($ organizationId , $ attributes );
Delete organization pref associated domain
$ result = $ client ->deleteOrganizationPrefAssociatedDomain ($ organizationId );
Update organization pref associated domain
$ result = $ client ->updateOrganizationPrefAssociatedDomain ($ organizationId , $ attributes );
Update organization pref board visibility restrict org
$ result = $ client ->updateOrganizationPrefBoardVisibilityRestrictOrg ($ organizationId , $ attributes );
Update organization pref board visibility restrict private
$ result = $ client ->updateOrganizationPrefBoardVisibilityRestrictPrivate ($ organizationId , $ attributes );
Update organization pref board visibility restrict public
$ result = $ client ->updateOrganizationPrefBoardVisibilityRestrictPublic ($ organizationId , $ attributes );
Update organization pref external members disabled
$ result = $ client ->updateOrganizationPrefExternalMembersDisabled ($ organizationId , $ attributes );
Update organization pref google apps version
$ result = $ client ->updateOrganizationPrefGoogleAppsVersion ($ organizationId , $ attributes );
Delete organization pref org invite restrict
$ result = $ client ->deleteOrganizationPrefOrgInviteRestrict ($ organizationId );
Update organization pref org invite restrict
$ result = $ client ->updateOrganizationPrefOrgInviteRestrict ($ organizationId , $ attributes );
Update organization pref permission level
$ result = $ client ->updateOrganizationPrefPermissionLevel ($ organizationId , $ attributes );
Update organization website
$ result = $ client ->updateOrganizationWebsite ($ organizationId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getSearch ($ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getSearchMembers ($ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->addSession ($ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->updateSession ($ sessionId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->updateSessionStatus ($ sessionId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getSessionSocket ();
$ result = $ client ->deleteToken ($ tokenId );
$ result = $ client ->getToken ($ tokenId );
$ result = $ client ->getTokenField ($ tokenId , $ fieldName );
$ result = $ client ->getTokenMember ($ tokenId );
$ result = $ client ->getTokenMemberField ($ tokenId , $ fieldName );
$ result = $ client ->getTokenWebhooks ($ tokenId );
$ result = $ client ->addTokenWebhook ($ tokenId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->updateTokenWebhooks ($ tokenId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->deleteTokenWebhook ($ tokenId , $ webhookId );
$ result = $ client ->getTokenWebhook ($ tokenId , $ webhookId );
$ result = $ client ->getType ($ typeId );
$ result = $ client ->addWebhook ($ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->deleteWebhook ($ webhookId );
$ result = $ client ->getWebhook ($ webhookId );
$ result = $ client ->updateWebhook ($ webhookId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->getWebhookField ($ webhookId , $ fieldName );
$ result = $ client ->updateWebhookActive ($ webhookId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->updateWebhookCallbackURL ($ webhookId , $ attributes );
Update webhook description
$ result = $ client ->updateWebhookDescription ($ webhookId , $ attributes );
$ result = $ client ->updateWebhookIdModel ($ webhookId , $ attributes );