An example of using reactpy-django to create a simple, Django based, single page application (SPA). The project is a reworking of the introductory Django project: Writing your first Django app. If you are unfamiliar with Django get up to speed by working through this first.
git clone
cd reactpy-django-example
poetry install --no-root
python runserver localhost:8000
Visit http://localhost:8000
Use Django admin to add/remove questions. Visit Admin or simply click the Admin link, top-right in every page.
user:admin, password:superadmin
To change the admin password:
python changepassword admin
- No templates, all pages are coded in python alone.
- Uses reactpy_django.router to dispatch page views.
- Authorization & protected routes.
- Integrates with Django ORM using use_query and use_mutation hooks.
- Can be used along side other Django apps
- VSCODE debug configs for server & testing
reactpy-django makes no changes to the Django ecosystem. The package provides a bridge that maps standard Django routes, as defined by urls, views and templates, onto reactpy components. One or many such mapping can be defined.
As with any Django app defines a URL pattern that maps onto a view. The view, in turn, loads a template,
The bridge between Django and reactpy-django is defined in the template, in our case:
{% load reactpy %}
{% component "polls.spa_router.spa_router" %}
In this project just one view/template definition is used to map between several url patterns defined in and the reactpy spa_router. The router then unpacks the requested URL and directs it to the relevant reactpy page.
Three pages (index, detail & results) together with a 404 page define the the application. These are pure reactpy based.
A container wraps each page in a common wrapper that contains the navbar etc.
The polls ORM model used is the one created by Writing your first Django app.
reactpy-django provides the hooks use_query and use_mutation to access the ORM model. I found these a little cumbersome to use. A use_query wrapper is defined in This converts loading and error notifications into exceptions allowing the caller to be wrapped in a try/catch block.
questions: List[Question] = use_query(Question.get_ordered_questions)
return html.div(
html.h1({'class_name':"text-center mb-3"},"Poll Questions"),
*[QuestionCard(question) for question in questions]
except LoadingException as ex:
return html.h2(str(ex))
except RecordNotFound:
return html.h2("No polls available.")
except Exception:
return Page_404()
The first time:
playwright install
python test
- reactpy
- reactpy-django * use-mutation
- django-unfold, Modern Django admin theme for seamless interface development
- Writing your first Django app
- django-polls
- Bootstrap Pulse Theme