This is a repo of npm pkg, justajwolf/nodejs, with a monorepo style, managing packages by rush.
Rush is a tool that makes life easier for JavaScript developers who build and publish many packages from a common Git repo.
Actively, updating...
: a middleware to parser xml chunk, see (^_^).clickhouse
: a clickhouse client for nodejs, see (^_^).
To setup new repo, please refer to [->(^_^)<-]
# install rush in global, if never use rush before.
$ npm install -g @microsoft/rush
$ npm install -g pnpm
# install all deps in repo.
$ rush install
# apply rush config into repo, when modified the folder '/common/config/rush/*' and the file 'rush.json' in root.
$ rush update
# add deps for the explicit packages, pkg-path is a subset path of repo, --dev map to devDependencies in package.json
$ cd [pkg-path]
$ rush add --caret --dev -p=[pkg-name]
$ rush update
# build all pkg in repo
$ rush build -v
# build explicit pkg
$ rush build -v -t [pkg-name]
# build explicit pkg
$ cd [pkg-path]
$ rushx build
# test all pkg in repo
$ rush test -v
# test the explicit pkg
$ rush test -v -t [pkg-name]
# test explicit pkg
$ cd [pkg-path]
$ rushx test
The following is an example that rush is used in combination with vscode.
- Step 1: Install vscode workspace plugin, Monorepo Workspace.
- Step 2: Save a vscode workspace config in repo, like
. About vscode workspace, see.
In Workspace, u can make the .vscode folder separating into each pkg.
In Workspace, see the explicit pkg vscode config file, like '[pkg-name]/.vscode/launch.json'
The License is MIT.