Rocketeer is at its core driven by Tasks. Each of these tasks has a whole ecosystem of events fired in their lifetime, powered by the illuminate/events components. Therefor, when you're doing this :
Rocketeer::before('deploy', 'MyApp\MyCustomTask');
What you're actually doing is, more simply put :
$app['events']->listen('rocketeer.deploy.before', 'MyApp\MyCustomTask@execute');
This is not "just this" of course, as Rocketeer does some magic on the second argument so that Rocketeer::before('deploy', 'composer install')
transforms composer install
into an actual Task class the Events Dispatcher can call. But in its concept, it's just your basic Dispatcher (or Observer if you like) system.
First of all, you can register events in any file that is autoloaded by Composer. If you're using the Rocketeer archive and have no particular autoloading, Rocketeer will by default try to load .rocketeer/events.php
or if you have more events and want to split them in multiple files, it'll autoload every file in a .rocketeer/events/*
All tasks in Rocketeer fire two basic events : before
and after
on which you can hook. But some tasks fire internal events, during their execution, allowing you to execute actions at various points in their lifetime. To listen to these events, there are two methods you can use. Say you want to execute something before the Deploy task symlinks the current
folder to the latest release :
Rocketeer::addTaskListeners('deploy', 'before-symlink', function ($task) {
echo $task->releasesManager->getCurrentRelease();
// Or
Rocketeer::listenTo('deploy.before-symlink', function ($task) {
echo $task->releasesManager->getCurrentRelease();
These two methods look very similar but in appearance only, the first one actually calls the second but allows you to pass an array of tasks names or instances :
Rocketeer::addTaskListeners(['deploy', new Rocketeer\Tasks\Setup], 'some-event', function ($task) {
echo $task->releasesManager->getCurrentRelease();
You can fire events in your own tasks too by using the fireEvent
method :
class MyTask extends Rocketeer\Abstracts\AbstractTask
public function execute()
You don't need to namespace your events, as Rocketeer will do it for you. It will first namespace all events in the rocketeer.
space, then add a slug of the current task, so the two events above would be fired as
Rocketeer::listenTo('my-task.drinking-coffee', 'ls');
Now, you can also fire events in Closure Tasks, by you will need to manually namespace those : as all Closure Tasks are at their core anonymous functions, they're anonymous tasks as well which means all events will get fired in rocketeer.closure
Rocketeer::after('deploy', function ($task) {
$task->fireEvent('some-event'); // Will get fired as rocketeer.closure.some-event
This is not a problem per se but can get problematic if you have a lot of Closure Tasks.
As the events system use illuminate/events
, it inherits its priority methods. That means that for every method that adds listeners to an event, you can specify a priority for these listeners. Simple example :
Rocketeer::after('deploy', function ($task) {
$task->campfire->notify('New version deployed on the server');
Rocketeer::after('deploy', ['npm install', 'grunt']);
Now ideally you'd want your chat room on Campfire to be notified about the deployment only when the NPM packages are installed and Grunt has run its course, because an error might happen there. For this you add a priority at the end of the call : priority is a basic integer, listeners with lowest priority will be fired at the end, and vice versa. So to make sure our Campfire notification would get sent at really the very end of all our listeners, we can just do this :
Rocketeer::after('deploy', function ($task) {
$task->campfire->notify('New version deployed on the server');
}, -10);
Rocketeer::after('deploy', function ($task) {
$task->runForCurrentRelease(['npm install', 'grunt']);
Here are some methods that accept a priority argument :
Rocketeer::before($task, $listeners, $priority = 0)
Rocketeer::after($task, $listeners, $priority = 0)
Rocketeer::listenTo($event, $listeners, $priority = 0)
Rocketeer::addTaskListeners($tasks, $event, $listeners, $priority = 0)
Whenever an event returns a strict false
, Rocketeer will recognize it and halt the whole queue. This is useful to do checks before certain major events and cancel per example deployment if some conditions are not met.
To halt the queue you can either simply return false :
Rocketeer::before('deploy', function ($task) {
if (!$something) {
return false;
Or if you want to pass additional details, you can use the Task::halt
method which will display as error whatever you pass to it, and then return false :
Rocketeer::before('deploy', function ($task) {
if (!$something) {
return $this->halt('Something was wrong here, cancelling');
Whatever you use, Rocketeer will display an additional error message stating the queue was canceled and by what Task.
All tasks have, by default, a before
and after
events, so do all strategies. Per example the Deploy
task will respectively call the following strategies: CreateRelease
, Dependencies
, Test
and Migrate
That means you can, in the case of a deployment, hook yourself on the following events:
Notice the deploy.before-symlink
event which is a special event fired before the release gets symlinked as current. This is the recommended place to do any work on the release before it goes live.
All tasks also fire an halt
event when they fail, be it from themselves, a bound event or a subtask. You can hook into those events like any other event.
Per example if you have a database backup system and when deploying your migrations fail, you'd want to restore that backup of the databse, so you'd do the following:
Rocketeer::listenTo('migrate.halt', function() {
// Restore the database