From 3628ac1d4be44726b31adf601c13bfcf04952de1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Pavel N. Krivitsky"
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 20:45:39 +1100
Subject: [PATCH] Try to minimize matrix inversions in calculating quadratic
forms, including using eigendecomposition to compute most xTAx.
R/approx.hotelling.diff.test.R | 4 ++--
R/ergm.MCMLE.R | 32 ++++++++++++--------------------
R/ergm.estimate.R | 2 +-
R/ergm.utility.R | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
4 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
diff --git a/R/approx.hotelling.diff.test.R b/R/approx.hotelling.diff.test.R
index 0c215846e..ce10d4de1 100644
--- a/R/approx.hotelling.diff.test.R
+++ b/R/approx.hotelling.diff.test.R
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ approx.hotelling.diff.test<-function(x,y=NULL, mu0=0, assume.indep=FALSE, var.eq
if(p==0) stop("data are essentially constant")
- ivcov.d <-sginv(vcov.d[!novar,!novar,drop=FALSE])
+ ivcov.d <- sginv(vcov.d[!novar,!novar,drop=FALSE])
method <- paste0("Hotelling's ",
NVL2(y, "Two", "One"),
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ approx.hotelling.diff.test<-function(x,y=NULL, mu0=0, assume.indep=FALSE, var.eq
" do not vary in x or in y but have differences equal to mu0"),
"; they have been ignored for the purposes of testing.")
- T2 <- xTAx((d-mu0)[!novar], ivcov.d)
+ T2 <- xTAx_qrssolve((d-mu0)[!novar], vcov.d[!novar,!novar,drop=FALSE])
NANVL <- function(z, ifNAN) ifelse(is.nan(z),ifNAN,z)
diff --git a/R/ergm.MCMLE.R b/R/ergm.MCMLE.R
index 32dfc3ed5..a205f1094 100644
--- a/R/ergm.MCMLE.R
+++ b/R/ergm.MCMLE.R
@@ -315,15 +315,7 @@ ergm.MCMLE <- function(init, s, s.obs,
estdiff <- NVL3(esteq.obs, colMeans(.), 0) - colMeans(esteq)
pprec <- diag(sqrt(control$MCMLE.MCMC.precision), nrow=length(estdiff))
Vm <- pprec%*%(cov(esteq) - NVL3(esteq.obs, cov(.), 0))%*%pprec
- # Ensure tolerance hyperellipsoid is PSD. (If it's not PD, the
- # ellipsoid is workable, if flat.) Special handling is required
- # if some statistic has a variance of exactly 0.
- novar <- diag(Vm) == 0
- Vm[!novar,!novar] <- snearPD(Vm[!novar,!novar,drop=FALSE], posd.tol=0, base.matrix=TRUE)$mat
- iVm <- sginv(Vm, tol=.Machine$double.eps^(3/4))
- diag(Vm)[novar] <- sqrt(.Machine$double.xmax) # Virtually any nonzero difference in estimating functions will map to a very large number.
- d2 <- xTAx(estdiff, iVm)
+ d2 <- xTAx_seigen(estdiff, Vm)
if(d2<2) last.adequate <- TRUE
@@ -411,7 +403,7 @@ ergm.MCMLE <- function(init, s, s.obs,
}else if(control$MCMLE.termination=='confidence'){
- d2.prev <- xTAx(estdiff.prev, iVm)
+ d2.prev <- xTAx_seigen(estdiff.prev, Vm)
if(verbose) message("Distance from origin on tolerance region scale: ", format(d2), " (previously ", format(d2.prev), ").")
d2.not.improved <- d2.not.improved[-1]
if(d2 >= d2.prev){
@@ -448,9 +440,9 @@ ergm.MCMLE <- function(init, s, s.obs,
estdiff <- estdiff[!hotel$novar]
estcov <- estcov[!hotel$novar, !hotel$novar]
- d2e <- xTAx(estdiff, iVm[!hotel$novar, !hotel$novar])
+ d2e <- xTAx_seigen(estdiff, Vm[!hotel$novar, !hotel$novar])
if(d2e<1){ # Update ends within tolerance ellipsoid.
- T2 <- try(.ellipsoid_mahalanobis(estdiff, estcov, iVm[!hotel$novar, !hotel$novar]), silent=TRUE) # Distance to the nearest point on the tolerance region boundary.
+ T2 <- try(.ellipsoid_mahalanobis(estdiff, estcov, Vm[!hotel$novar, !hotel$novar]), silent=TRUE) # Distance to the nearest point on the tolerance region boundary.
if(inherits(T2, "try-error")){ # Within tolerance ellipsoid, but cannot be tested.
message("Unable to test for convergence; increasing sample size.")
@@ -591,26 +583,26 @@ ergm.MCMLE <- function(init, s, s.obs,
#' Find the shortest squared Mahalanobis distance (with covariance W)
-#' from a point `y` to an ellipsoid defined by `x'U x = 1`, provided
+#' from a point `y` to an ellipsoid defined by `x'U^-1 x = 1`, provided
#' that `y` is in the interior of the ellipsoid.
#' @param y a vector
#' @param W,U a square matrix
#' @noRd
-.ellipsoid_mahalanobis <- function(y, W, U){
+.ellipsoid_mahalanobis <- function(y, W, U, tol=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)){
y <- c(y)
- if(xTAx(y,U)>=1) stop("Point is not in the interior of the ellipsoid.")
+ if(xTAx_seigen(y,U,tol=tol)>=1) stop("Point is not in the interior of the ellipsoid.")
I <- diag(length(y))
- WU <- W%*%U
- x <- function(l) c(solve(I+l*WU, y)) # Singluar for negative reciprocals of eigenvalues of WiU.
- zerofn <- function(l) ERRVL(try({x <- x(l); xTAx(x,U)-1}, silent=TRUE), +Inf)
+ WUi <- t(qr.solve(qr(U, tol=tol), W))
+ x <- function(l) c(solve(I+l*WUi, y)) # Singluar for negative reciprocals of eigenvalues of WiU.
+ zerofn <- function(l) ERRVL(try({x <- x(l); xTAx_seigen(x,U,tol=tol)-1}, silent=TRUE), +Inf)
# For some reason, WU sometimes has 0i element in its eigenvalues.
- eig <- Re(eigen(WU, only.values=TRUE)$values)
+ eig <- Re(eigen(WUi, only.values=TRUE)$values)
lmin <- -1/max(eig)
l <- uniroot(zerofn, lower=lmin, upper=0, tol=sqrt(.Machine$double.xmin))$root
x <- x(l)
- xTAx_qrssolve(y-x, W)
+ xTAx_seigen(y-x, W, tol=tol)
diff --git a/R/ergm.estimate.R b/R/ergm.estimate.R
index 6bb13bf27..30eff0735 100644
--- a/R/ergm.estimate.R
+++ b/R/ergm.estimate.R
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ ergm.estimate<-function(init, model, statsmatrices, statsmatrices.obs=NULL,
# or more statistics.
Lout$par <- try(eta0
- + sginv(-Lout$hessian, tol=.Machine$double.eps^(3/4)) %*%
+ + sginv(-Lout$hessian) %*%
diff --git a/R/ergm.utility.R b/R/ergm.utility.R
index 698a24758..1627adfda 100644
--- a/R/ergm.utility.R
+++ b/R/ergm.utility.R
@@ -286,3 +286,25 @@ sginv <- function(X, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), ..., snnd = TRUE){
keep <- e$values > max(tol * e$values[1L], 0)
e$vectors[, keep, drop=FALSE] %*% ((1/e$values[keep]) * t(e$vectors[, keep, drop=FALSE])) * dd
+#' Compute \eqn{x'A^{*}x'} for a vector \eqn{x} and a matrix \eqn{A}
+#' assuming that \eqn{A} is PSD and \eqn{A^*} is the Moore--Penrose
+#' pseudoinverse, and after scaling \eqn{A} into a correlation matrix
+#' (and scaling back the result).
+#' @noRd
+xTAx_seigen <- function(x, A, tol=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), ...) {
+ d <- diag(as.matrix(A))
+ d <- ifelse(d<=0, 0, 1/d)
+ d <- sqrt(d)
+ dd <- rep(d, each = length(d)) * d
+ A <- A * dd
+ e <- eigen(A)
+ keep <- e$values > max(tol * e$values[1L], 0)
+ h <- drop(crossprod(x*d, e$vectors[,keep,drop=FALSE]))
+ sum(h*h/e$values[keep])