diff --git a/src/Limits/Product.lidr b/src/Limits/Product.lidr
index cbac7b7..c2353c2 100644
--- a/src/Limits/Product.lidr
+++ b/src/Limits/Product.lidr
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
> module Limits.Product
> import Basic.Category
+> import Basic.Functor
+> import Product.ProductCategory
> %access public export
> %default total
@@ -45,3 +47,64 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
> unique : (x : obj cat) -> (f : mor cat x a) -> (g : mor cat x b)
> -> (h : CommutingMorphism cat x a b carrier pi1 pi2 f g)
> -> h = exists x f g
+> productMorphism : (cat : Category) -> (a1, a2, b1, b2 : obj cat)
+> -> (f : mor cat a1 a2) -> (g : mor cat b1 b2)
+> -> (pr1 : Product cat a1 b1) -> (pr2 : Product cat a2 b2)
+> -> mor cat (carrier pr1) (carrier pr2)
+> productMorphism cat a1 a2 b1 b2 f g pr1 pr2 =
+> challenger $ exists pr2 prod1 (compose cat _ _ _ pi1' f) (compose cat _ _ _ pi2' g)
+> where
+> prod1 : obj cat
+> prod1 = carrier pr1
+> prod2 : obj cat
+> prod2 = carrier pr2
+> pi1' : mor cat prod1 a1
+> pi1' = pi1 pr1
+> pi2' : mor cat prod1 b1
+> pi2' = pi2 pr1
+> productFunctor : (cat : Category) -> (pex : (a, b : obj cat) -> Product cat a b) -> CFunctor (productCategory cat cat) cat
+> productFunctor cat pex = MkCFunctor mapObj mapMor idLaw ?compLaw
+> where
+> mapObj : obj (productCategory cat cat) -> obj cat
+> mapObj (a,b) = carrier $ pex a b
+> mapMor : (a, b : obj (productCategory cat cat))
+> -> mor (productCategory cat cat) a b
+> -> mor cat (mapObj a) (mapObj b)
+> mapMor (a1,b1) (a2,b2) (MkProductMorphism f g) =
+> productMorphism cat a1 a2 b1 b2 f g (pex a1 b1) (pex a2 b2)
+> bla : (a,b : obj cat) -> CommutingMorphism cat (carrier (pex a b)) a b (carrier (pex a b))
+> (pi1 (pex a b))
+> (pi2 (pex a b))
+> (compose cat (carrier (pex a b)) a a (pi1 (pex a b)) (identity cat a))
+> (compose cat (carrier (pex a b)) b b (pi2 (pex a b)) (identity cat b))
+> bla a b = MkCommutingMorphism (identity cat (carrier (pex a b)))
+> (rewrite leftIdentity cat (carrier (pex a b)) a (pi1 (pex a b)) in
+> sym $ rightIdentity cat (carrier (pex a b)) a (pi1 (pex a b)))
+> (rewrite leftIdentity cat (carrier (pex a b)) b (pi2 (pex a b)) in
+> sym $ rightIdentity cat (carrier (pex a b)) b (pi2 (pex a b)))
+> idLaw : (a : obj (productCategory cat cat)) -> mapMor a a (identity (productCategory cat cat) a) = identity cat (mapObj a)
+> idLaw (a,b) = sym $ cong {f=challenger} $
+> unique (pex a b) (carrier (pex a b))
+> (compose cat (carrier (pex a b)) a a (pi1 (pex a b)) (identity cat a))
+> (compose cat (carrier (pex a b)) b b (pi2 (pex a b)) (identity cat b))
+> (bla a b)
+> catHasProducts : Category -> Type
+> catHasProducts cat = (a, b : obj cat) -> Product cat a b
+(AxB) x C --> A x (B x C)
+< pi1_{(AxB)xC};pi1_{AxB}, < pi1_{(AxB)xC};pi2_{AxB}, pi2_{(AxB)xC}> >
+ MkCFunctor
+ (\(a, b) => carrier $ pex a b)
+ (\(a1, b1), (a2, b2), (f, g) => productMorphism cat a1 a2 b1 b2 f g (pex a1 b1) (pex a2 b2))
+ ?id
+ ?comp
+ catHasProducts :
+exists_a2.b2 (pi1_a1.b1;f, pi2_a1.b1;g )
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