cd stargage
source ~/.cargo/env
cargo build
if you want start chain node to connect startcoin test net , click here.
Create two new accounts without password for testing.
mkdir alice
mkdir bob
Then transfer some testing coin from coinbase to these new accounts
./target/debug/cli --chain_host localhost --chain_port 8000 --host localhost --port 9000 -m alice/key
connect to starcoin test-net
./target/debug/cli --chain_host --chain_port 8001 --host
Then the mint coin for alice.
a m 10000000
Start client for bob:
./target/debug/cli --chain_host localhost --chain_port 8000 --host localhost --port 9001 -m bob/key
Then the mint coin for bob.
account mint 10000000
You could use such command to check account state:
account state
Prepare the node configure
cp config_template/alice.toml alice/node.toml cp config_template/bob.toml bob/node.toml
change last part of net_config.seeds in bob/node.toml to alice's address in hex.
Start node service
./target/debug/node -c alice -f alice/key -n 0 ./target/debug/node -c bob -f bob/key -n 0
Open Channel In alice's cli
node open channel {bob address in hex} 10000 10000
Channel Balance
For Alice
node channel balance {bob}
For Bob
node channel balance {alice}
Channel pay
For Alice
node pay {bob} 100 node channel balance {bob}
For Bob
node channel balance {alice}
Withdraw from channel
For Alice
node withdraw {bob} 1000 1000 node channel balance {bob}
For Bob
node channel balance {alice}
A game Rock-Paper-Scissors is used to demonstrate the channel contract.
Deploy Module to Chain In alice's cli
dev deploy module demo/RockPaperScissors/module/rps.mvir
Install Script to Node Change all {{starlab}} in demo/RockPaperScissors/scripts to alice's address,then in alice's cli execute
dev install package demo/RockPaperScissors/scripts
In Bob's cli execute
dev install package demo/RockPaperScissors/scripts.csp
Play Game
Before the game begin,you could check channel balance,remember the both balance.
In Alice:dev package execute {bob} scripts rps_player_1 b"bde750abcf1d176a34cce61b607107092413100c9195b08f13d6e7d46980cf1c" 20
Then ,for Bob
dev package execute {alice} scripts rps_player_2 b"70" 10
Then ,end game ,in alice
dev package execute {bob} scripts rps_end_game b"72" b"616263"
After the game end,you could check channel balance.Alice lose the game,so balance of her should be origin balance minus 10,balance of bob should be his origin balance plus 10. A detailed description of the contract can be found here.