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File metadata and controls

288 lines (210 loc) · 9.64 KB

⚠️ This repo was moved to This archival will remain in this GitHub org ssb-ngi-pointer to demonstrate the outcome of the work done by the SSB NGI Pointer team during 2020 and 2021. The SSB NGI Pointer team is no longer active because we completed our grant project.

SSB meta feeds

An implementation of the ssb meta feed spec in JS as a secret stack plugin.



  • Requires Node.js 10 or higher
  • Requires ssb-db2
npm install --save ssb-meta-feeds

Add this plugin like this:

 const sbot = SecretStack({ appKey: caps.shs })
+    .use(require('ssb-meta-feeds'))
     // ...

Example usage

Let's start by creating a root meta feed, necessary for using this module. It lives alongside your existing "classical" feed, which we'll refer to as main feed.

sbot.metafeeds.findOrCreate((err, metafeed) => {
  console.log(metafeed) // { seed, keys }

Now this has created the seed, which in turn is used to generate an ssb-keys keys object. The seed is actually also published on the main feed as a private message to yourself, to allow recovering it in the future.

There can only be one root meta feed, so even if you call findOrCreate many times, it will not create duplicates, it will just load the meta feed { seed, keys }.

Now you can create subfeeds under that root meta feed by passing three arguments to findOrCreate, before the callback, like this:

const details = {
  feedpurpose: 'mygame',
  feedformat: 'classic',
  metadata: {
    score: 0,
    whateverElse: true,

const visit = f => f.feedpurpose === 'mygame' && f.feedformat === 'classic'

sbot.metafeeds.findOrCreate(metafeed, visit, details, (err, subfeed) => {
  // {
  //   feedpurpose: 'mygame',
  //   subfeed: '@___________________________________________=.ed25519',
  //   keys: {
  //     curve,
  //     public,
  //     private,
  //     id
  //   }
  // }

This has created a keys object for a new subfeed, which you can use to publish application-specific messages (such as for a game). The details argument always needs feedpurpose and feedformat (supports classic for ed25519 normal SSB feeds, and bendybutt-v1).

The subfeed is created only if it has not been found on your (given) metafeed. Notice that to find an existing matching subfeed, we pass the visit function on the 2nd argument. The f there is an object that describes the subfeed, with the fields:

  • feedformat: the string 'classic' or the string 'bendybutt-v1'
  • feedpurpose: same string as used to create the subfeed
  • subfeed: the SSB identifier for this subfeed
  • keys: the ssb-keys compatible { curve, public, private, id } object
  • metadata: the same object used when creating the subfeed


sbot.metafeeds.findById(feedId, cb)

Given a feedId that is presumed to be a subfeed of some meta feed, this API fetches the metadata associated with the creation of this subfeed on its parent meta feed, and returns (via the callback cb on the second argument) an object with the following shape:

{ feedpurpose, feedformat, metafeed, metadata }


Similar to findById, but returns synchronously. ⚠️ Note, in order to use this API, you must call sbot.metafeeds.loadState(cb) first, and wait for cb to be called.

You can also call sbot.metafeeds.ensureLoaded(feedId, cb) on an individual basis to make sure that findByIdSync will operate at the correct time when the feedId's metadata has been processed in the local database.


Returns a pull-stream source of all "branches" in the meta feed trees.

A "branch" is an array where the first item is the root meta feed and the subsequent items are the children and grandchildren (and etc) of the root. A branch looks like this:

  [rootMetafeedId, null],
  [childMetafeedId, childDetails],
  [grandchildMetafeedId, grandchildDetails],

Or in general, an Array<[FeedId, Details | null]>. The details object has the shape { feedpurpose, feedformat, metafeed, metadata } like in findById.

branchStream will emit all possible branches, which means sub-branches are included. For instance, in the example above, branchStream would emit:

  [rootMetafeedId, null]


  [rootMetafeedId, null],
  [childMetafeedId, childDetails],


  [rootMetafeedId, null],
  [childMetafeedId, childDetails],
  [grandchildMetafeedId, grandchildDetails],

The opts argument can have the following properties:

  • opts.root String - a feed ID for a meta feed, only branches that are descendants of this feed ID would appear in the pull-stream source, otherwise all branches from all possible root meta feeds will be included. (Default: null)
  • opts.old Boolean - whether or not to include currently loaded (by loadState) trees. (Default: false)
  • Boolean - whether or not to include subsequent meta feed trees during the execution of your program. (Default: true)
  • opts.tombstoned Boolean - if false, no tombstoned branches are included in the results; if true, only tombstoned branches are included; if null, all branches are included regardless of tombstoning. (Default: null)

sbot.metafeeds.findOrCreate(metafeed, visit, details, cb)

Looks for the first subfeed of metafeed that satisfies the condition in visit, or creates it matching the properties in details.

This is strictly concerned with meta feeds and sub feeds that you own, not with those that belong to other peers.

metafeed can be either null or a meta feed object { seed, keys } (as returned by getRoot()). If it's null, then the root meta feed will be created, if and only if it does not already exist. If it's null and the root meta feed exists, the root meta feed will be returned via the cb. Alternatively, you can call this API with just the callback: sbot.metafeeds.findOrCreate(cb).

visit can be either null or a function of the shape ({feedpurpose,subfeed,metadata,keys}) => boolean. If it's null, then one arbitrary subfeed under metafeed is returned.

details can be null only if if metafeed is null, but usually it's an object with the properties:

  • feedpurpose: any string to characterize the purpose of this new subfeed
  • feedformat: the string 'classic' or the string 'bendybutt-v1'
  • metadata: an optional object containing other fields. One can include recps here to encrypt the message

The response is delivered to the callback cb, where the 1st argument is the possible error, and the 2nd argument is the created feed (which can be either the root meta feed { seed, keys } or a sub feed { feedpurpose, subfeed, keys, metadata }).

sbot.metafeeds.findAndTombstone(metafeed, visit, reason, cb)

_Looks for the first subfeed of metafeed that satisfies the condition in visit and, if found, tombstones it with the string reason.

This is strictly concerned with meta feeds and sub feeds that you own, not with those that belong to other peers.

metafeed must be a meta feed object { seed, keys } (as returned by getRoot()).

visit must be a function of the shape ({feedpurpose, subfeed, metadata, keys}) => boolean.

reason must be a string to describe why the found feed is being tombstoned.

The callback is called with true on the 2nd argument if tombstoning suceeded, or called with an error object on the 1st argument if it failed.


Looks for the root meta feed declared by your main feed, and returns it (as { seed, keys}) via the callback cb if it exists.

If it does not exist, this API will not create the root meta feed.


Exposed via the internal API.

isValid(msg, hmacKey)

Validate a single meta feed message.

Extracts the contentSection from the given msg object and calls validateSingle() to perform validation checks.

If provided, the hmacKey is also given as input to the validateSingle() function call. hmacKey may be null or a valid HMAC key supplied as a Buffer or string.

The response is a boolean: true if validation is successful, false if validation fails in any way. Note that this function does not return the underlying cause of the validation failure.

validateSingle(contentSection, hmacKey)

Validate a single meta feed message contentSection according to the criteria defined in the specification.

contentSection must be an array of content and contentSignature. If a string is provided (representing an encrypted message, for instance) an error will be returned; an encrypted contentSection cannot be validated.

hmacKey may be null or a valid HMAC key supplied as a Buffer or string.

The response will be undefined (for successful validation) or an Error object with a message describing the error.


Validates a metafeed/announce message expected to be published on "main" feeds which are in the classic format, but are signed by a meta feed according to the ssb meta feed spec.

The response will be undefined (for successful validation) or an Error object with a message describing the error.

