Welcome to the movie recommendation system. I have built a clean and user friendly web interface that provides users with movie suggestions based on movies that they pick. The website is built based on content based movie recommendation. Please look at the instruction sections below to run the project.
git clone https://github.com/srishti666/Movie-Recommender.git
Step 2: Install python: From Here
pip install requirements.txt
Open your terminal/command prompt from your project directory and run the following command
flask run
Copy link displayed on console on your preffered browser
Enter a movie title that you like in the search bar and hit enter.
After the computation is finished. You will be redirected to the recommendation result web page. The three movies shown on the page are the movies we recommended based on the movie you gave us.
The new webpage shows all the search results. If the search is not found, please check the spelling an try agian. If the search is successful, find the movie that you want. You could also check the movie summary and its trailer by hovering over the movie poster.
To get recommendation for different movies, hit the HOME icon on the top left corner.