SqlKata allows you to combine multiple queries using one of the following available operators union
, intersect
and except
by providing the following methods Union
, UnionAll
, Intersect
, IntersectAll
, Except
and ExceptAll
the above methods accept either an instance of Query
or a labmda expression
var phones = new Query("Phones");
var laptops = new Query("Laptops");
var mobiles = laptops.Union(phones);
(SELECT * FROM [Laptops]) UNION (SELECT * FROM [Phones])
Or by using the labmda overload
var mobiles = new Query("Laptops").ExceptAll(q => q.From("OldLaptops"));
(SELECT * FROM [Laptops]) EXCEPT ALL (SELECT * FROM [OldLaptops])
You can always use the CombineRaw
method to append raw expressions
var mobiles = new Query("Laptops").CombineRaw("union all select * from OldLaptops");
SELECT * FROM [Laptops] union all select * from OldLaptops
Off course you can use the table identifier characters [
and ]
to instruct SqlKata to wrap the tables/columns keywords.
var mobiles = new Query("Laptops").CombineRaw("union all select * from [OldLaptops]");
SELECT * FROM [Laptops] union all select * from [OldLaptops]