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Become a sponsor to Steve Hu

I am the owner of light-4j and other 70 projects that form the light platform which is an ecosystem for deploying cloud-native microservices in Java SE. I am currently working part-time on these projects but want to work on them full-time if there are sponsors to support me financially. With a lot of user's requests and questions, it would be great if I could spend more time on these projects to support our users.

1 sponsor has funded stevehu’s work.


Once I can pay the bill from the sponsors, I will quit my job and focus on the open-source projects to support our users full time.

Private Sponsor

Featured work

  1. stevehu/light-config-test

    Default config files of light-java for test environment in organization stevehu on light-config-server

  2. stevehu/light-config-prod

    Default config files of light-java for production environment on light-config-server for stevehu organization

0% towards $5,000 per month goal

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Select a tier

$ a month

Choose a custom amount.

$2 a month

  • To show your support for the projects
  • To show the universe you have.
  • You feel good and the universe gives back more to you.

$5 a month

  • Everything in above tier
  • Your name is shown in the which is linked from light-4j and

$10 a month

  • Everything in above tiers
  • You are invited to the private slack channel to discuss and influence the features and roadmaps of the platform

$25 a month

  • Everything in above tiers
  • Your corporation mane and logo are shown in the which is linked from the light-4j and

$50 a month

  • Everything in above tiers
  • Your name is shown on the light-4j and the home page of the

$100 a month

  • Everything in above tiers
  • Your corporation name and logo are shown on the and the home page of the

$500 a month

  • Everything in above tiers
  • Your corporate brand gets prominent placement in the README of all projects that I maintain and hyperlinked to the destination of your choice

$1,000 a month

  • Everything in above tiers
  • Bug and feature requests from your corporation get preferential public treatment. Choose this if your corporation derives a lot of value from my work and you want to ensure that the software that you depend upon to deliver value to your clients is well maintained

$5,000 a month

  • Everything in above tiers
  • Ask development questions via email or a private support desk and get prompt answers from an expert.
  • Support, bug and feature requests from your corporation get preferential private treatment with response guarantees.