Releases: spc476/SPCDNS
Bug fix---fixed __attribute__()
v1.0.4 Fixed __attribute__()
Bug fix---reutrn unknown values
Declared RR_UNKNOWN, CLASS_UNKNOWN and OP_UNKNOWN and return them from dns_type_value(), dns_class_value() and dns_op_value().
RR_UNKNOWN is the first RR type for private use. Used here to designate an unknown type.
CLASS_UNKNOWN is the first CLASS for private use, used here to designate an unknown class.
OP_UNKNOWN is set to OP_IQUERY. The other unassigned values are reserved for future IANA defintions, but OP_IQUERY is marked as obsolete, so I'm using that value.
Bug fix---C++ compilation errors fixed
Get the code so it can be compiled by C++.
The "Be More Assertive" Version
Added some calls to assert() upon suggestion.
The "Initial Release" Version
This is a library to encode DNS query packets, and to decode the resulting DNS reply. While there is some code to do the actual DNS query, it is not the intent of this library to provide a fully robust networking infrastructure.