Designing surveys require relevant datasets to be used as basis for sample size calculations, sampling design, survey planning/logistics and survey implementation. These include datasets on population, lists of sampling clusters, map datasets for spatial sampling, and previous survey datasets that can be used for estimating indicator variance and design effects. This package contains relevant datasets for use in designing surveys in Liberia.
Install liberia
package from GitHub via `remotes``:
if (!require(remotes)) install.packages("remotes")
#> # A tibble: 3,412 × 9
#> FID County District Clan `Locality/ Town` MALE FEMALE TOTAL HH
#> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 3555 Grand Bassa District… Kpogbl… Cotton Tree 7 4 11 4
#> 2 3556 Grand Bassa District… L A C … 10 Dollars Camp 35 42 77 15
#> 3 3557 Grand Bassa District… L A C … 15 Houses Camp 91 86 177 21
#> 4 3558 Grand Bassa District… L A C … 3 Old Camp 62 56 118 38
#> 5 3559 Grand Bassa District… L A C … 3.2 Office 4 2 6 1
#> 6 3560 Grand Bassa District… L A C … 5 House Camp 25 26 51 11
#> 7 3561 Grand Bassa District… L A C … 6 Houses Camp 162 135 297 57
#> 8 3562 Grand Bassa District… Faitro Adolphus 118 114 232 46
#> 9 3563 Grand Bassa District… Gaye P… Alex Johnson 27 28 55 8
#> 10 3564 Grand Bassa District… Zuzohn Alex Village 5 2 7 3
#> # … with 3,402 more rows
#> # A tibble: 751 × 8
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Grand Bassa Commonwealth Upper Buchanan Co… 9.12e8 119 123 44 242
#> 2 Grand Bassa Commonwealth Gorzohn Community 9.12e8 160 174 70 334
#> 3 Grand Bassa Commonwealth Central Buchanan 9.12e8 147 158 53 305
#> 4 Grand Bassa Commonwealth Korkorwein/Old Ba… 9.12e8 196 189 56 385
#> 5 Grand Bassa Commonwealth Central Buchanan 9.12e8 209 210 73 419
#> 6 Grand Bassa Commonwealth Central Buchanan 9.12e8 287 288 104 575
#> 7 Grand Bassa Commonwealth Gorzohn Community 9.12e8 265 301 98 566
#> 8 Grand Bassa Commonwealth Gorzohn Community 9.12e8 258 324 114 582
#> 9 Grand Bassa Commonwealth Gorzohn Community 9.12e8 86 99 31 185
#> 10 Grand Bassa Commonwealth Central Buchanan 9.12e8 205 169 66 374
#> # … with 741 more rows
#> # A tibble: 166 × 6
#> County District `Town/ Locality` Male Female Total
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Montserrado Greater Monrovia Bernard Quarters 1822 1739 3561
#> 2 Montserrado Greater Monrovia Grandcess Yard 3070 3470 6540
#> 3 Montserrado Greater Monrovia Johnsonville Road A 2677 3047 5724
#> 4 Montserrado Greater Monrovia Kaba Town 2939 3066 6005
#> 5 Montserrado Greater Monrovia Rock Spring Valley 1956 1850 3806
#> 6 Montserrado Greater Monrovia Soniwein 3293 3103 6396
#> 7 Montserrado Greater Monrovia Warwein 773 726 1499
#> 8 Montserrado Greater Monrovia 72nd Community 6883 7516 14399
#> 9 Montserrado Greater Monrovia A.B Tolbert Road 3195 3522 6717
#> 10 Montserrado Greater Monrovia Barchue Town 1561 1606 3167
#> # … with 156 more rows