The time tracker we use for our daily work at Sourcepole.
This plugin provides an additional section on your personal page for tracking your time spent on projects and tickets.
time tracking with ticket assignment
working hours statistics per user
remaining vacation days per user
export as CSV
iCalendar view
manage holidays
working hours snapshots
get Redmine 2.6 stable branch:
git clone git:// cd redmine/ git checkout 2.6-stable
get Working Hours plugin:
cd plugins/ git clone git://
install Redmine
migrate plugin DB:
rake redmine:plugins:migrate
run plugin unit tests:
rake redmine:plugins:test:units
create vacation issue
Subject: <vacation_subject>
Assigned to: nobody
Administration -> Plugins -> Configure “Redmine Working Hours plugin”
set workday hours for a full pensum (default 8h)
set vacation issue id
add custom field for user pensum
Administration -> Custom fields -> New custom field -> Users
Format: Float
Name: working_hours_pensum
Default value: 1.0
Required: check
Editable: uncheck
set working_hours_pensum for each user in Administration -> Users
add custom field for user vacation days
Administration -> Custom fields -> New custom field -> Users
Format: Integer
Name: working_hours_vacation_days
Default value: 0
Required: check
Editable: uncheck
set working_hours_vacation_days for each user in Administration -> Users
vacation days are counted as full working days, e.g. if a user with pensum=1.0 has 20 days then a user with pensum=0.5 has 10 days
edit holidays
A snapshot containing used vacation days, current and target times can be created for a user. This is used if a user starts working in the middle of the year or his pensum changes. Working hours overview calculations are based on the latest user snapshot or the beginning of the year if no snapshots are found.
issues starting before this time will be assigned to the previous workday
set time of workday change as WORKDAY_CHANGE_HOUR on app/models/working_hours.rb (default 5 = 5:00:00)
My page
Personalize this page -> Add “Working hours”
start issue by clicking on its link
clicking a new issue will stop the currently running issue
edit working hours comments
menu Working hours
list and edit working hours
statistics for current day and month
remaining vacation days
link from working hours page
optional URL parameter ‘duration’ to get last n days (365 by default), if not using ‘filter’
We collect all customer projects without Redmine project as tickets in a separate project.