- All3DP: Biqu B1 Review: Hot, (Not) Pink
- 3D Print Beginner: BIQU B1 Review: Ender 3 V2 Killer?
- 3dprinting.com: Hands-On Review
- BIQU B1: The review on damsteen.nl
- Reviews of BIQU B1 on 3DJake
The printer it's based on Creality Ender 3x, with a few upgrades already installed.
- Max print size: bed size 235x235mm, height: 270mm
- Mainboard: BIGTREETECH SKR 1.4 board with TMC2225 (an upgraded version of TMC2208, see FYSETC Silent2225)
Be prepared for a few upgrades (see comments on 3DJake or Reddit)
Heated bed has same size and physical dimensions as Creality Ender 3x.
A great build plate is BIQU SSS Super Spring Steel Sheet (recommended for any printer).
- Chimera Hotend
- Chimera Heat sink
- Aluminium Heater Block
- Trianglelab MK8 Silicone Sock
- Mellow Bi Metal Heatbreak
- Alternative Hot End Kit
;--- Setup and initial probing commands ---
M190 S60 ; Not required, but having the printer at temperature helps accuracy
M104 S200 ; Not required, but having the printer at temperature helps accuracy
G28 ; Home XYZ.
G29 P1 ; Do automated probing of the bed.
G29 S1 ; Save UBL mesh points to EEPROM.
M500 ; Save current setup. WARNING: UBL will be active at power up, before any `G28`
- https://3dwork.io/en/complete-guide-skr-v1-4-and-tmc2209
- https://www.jayuk.org/bigtreetech-skr-v1-4-normal-and-turbo-and-fysetc-tmc2209-v3
- https://3dprintbeginner.com/biqu-b1-hotend-fix-bi-metal-heat-break/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/BIGTREETECH/comments/j55rt3/biqub1_firmware_updating_bltouch_guide_a/
- https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000212189833.html