Releases: sopel-irc/sopel-pypi
Releases · sopel-irc/sopel-pypi
sopel-pypi v0.2.0
sopel-pypi v0.1.4
- An empty package author field is allowed (#4)
sopel-pypi v0.1.3
- PyPI API changed (#3)
sopel-pypi v0.1.2
- Query with no version specified now says "(any)" instead of the previous
direct-to-string conversion of "None"
sopel-pypi v0.1.1
Post-release fixes Added link to release when invoked by command Fixed URL pattern to allow certain punctuation Fixed content type for PyPI description (this change should percolate up to the cookiecutter template)
sopel-pypi v0.1.0
Initial PyPI plugin version, the result of about 90 minutes' hacking Side notes: 1. I hate how the PyPI API returns release dates. It would be more courteous to data consumers if the release date used for display on was included directly in the API response. Since it isn't, this plugin must include a dedicated function for recreating the DB query Warehouse runs when generating the project/release page. 2. Deciding how to format output is hard. This is the (approximately) third version of my output template, and I'm still not quite happy.