SPRESENSE v2.4.0 release (2021/12/24)
- Feature enhancements are available
- This release has a new bootloader which have to be loaded before use.
New features and feature enhancements
[Network] OSS VTun, which enables virtual network tunnels, is now supported.
- You can build a secure local network by mixing
,Wi-Fi (GS2200m)
andEthernet (WIZnet)
which are supported by Spresense SDK.
- You can build a secure local network by mixing
[LTE] Add support for SMS over LTE network, allowing users to create applications that can send and receive SMS between Spresense LTE extension boards or smartphones.
- Notice: You need to update the firmware of the Spresense LTE extension board in order to use the SMS function. Please refer to Spresense LTE Expansion Board Firmware Update and Please update the firmware.
[DNN] Update DNN Runtime Library to version 1.23.0.
Support the NNB models generated by Neural Network Libraries.
[DNN] Multicore DNN Runtime based on the MPCOMM framework is released.
- Add support the DNN Runtime on multi-cores.
[Network] Update the LwM2M wakaama library to the latest version.
[FWUpdate] Add a feature for firmware update.
Please refer to SDK Tutorials for more details.
Improved features
[LTE] Fix a probelm where the example lte_awsiot could not reconnect to LTE after failing to connect to the AWS IoT Core server.
[libjpeg] Fix an issue #301.
[FileSystem] Fix an issue of file corruption when updating an opened file with truncate mode on SPI-Flash filesystem SmartFS.
- [LTE] Fix an example (lte_awsiot) that connects to AWS IoT. (Thanks to @shixuejun-neusoft)
Added example code
[SMS] Add examples for sending and receiving SMS (
). -
[WebSocket] Add an example using GMO Coin's Public API (
). -
[WebSocket] Add an example using bitbank's Public API (
). -
[DNN] Add an NNB model file generated by Neural Network Console to the example (
). -
[Network] Add LwM2M objects to control Spresense to example (
How to get source codes
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/sonydevworld/spresense.git -b v2.4.0
(Below is in Japanese)
- 機能拡張および機能改善を行いました。
- 今回のリリースにより ブートローダーの更新 が必要になります。
[Network] 仮想ネットワークトンネルを実現するOSS VTun に対応しました。
- Spresense SDKで対応している
,Wi-Fi (GS2200m)
,Ethernet (WIZnet)
を混在させたセキュアなローカルネットワークを構築することができます。 - 詳しい使い方は SDKチュートリアルをご参照ください。
- Spresense SDKで対応している
[LTE] LTEネットワークを用いたSMS機能に対応しました。Spresense LTE拡張ボード同士、あるいはスマートフォンとのSMSの送受信を行い連携するアプリケーションを作成することができるようになります。
- 注: SMS機能を使うためにはSpresense LTE拡張ボードのファームウェアップデートを行う必要があります。 Spresense LTE拡張ボードファームウェアアップデートを参照の上アップデートしてください。
[DNN] DNN Runtimeライブラリ のバージョンを v1.23.0 へ更新しました。
- これにより、Neural Network Libraries から生成したNNBモデルについても動作可能になりました。
[DNN] MPCOMMフレームワーク版マルチコアDNN Runtimeライブラリを公開しました。
- マルチコアでDNN Runtimeを動かせるようになりました。
[Network] LwM2M wakaamaライブラリを最新のバージョンへ更新しました。
[FWUpdate] ファームウェアアップデート機能をサポートしました。
- 詳しくは、SDKチュートリアル をご参照ください。
[LTE] lte_awsiotサンプルにて、AWS IoT Coreサーバーとの接続に失敗した場合にLTEに再接続できない問題を修正しました。
[libjpeg] Issues #301 を修正しました。
[FileSystem] SPI-FlashファイルシステムSmartFSに関して上書きモードでの書き込みに失敗する問題を修正しました。
- [LTE] AWS IoTへ接続するサンプル(
)を修正しました。(Thanks to @shixuejun-neusoft)
[SMS] SMS送受信を行うサンプル (
) を追加しました。 -
[WebSocket] GMOコインのPublic APIを使用したサンプル (
) を追加しました。 -
[WebSocket] bitbankのPublic APIを使用したサンプル (
) を追加しました。 -
[DNN] サンプル(
)にNeural Network Console で生成したNNBモデルファイルを追加しました。 -
サンプルにSpresenseの制御を行うためのLwM2Mオブジェクトを追加しました。- 詳しくは、SDKチュートリアル をご参照ください。
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/sonydevworld/spresense.git -b v2.4.0
Commits history(コミット履歴)
5983d92 Update Submodules for develop at 2021/12/23 21:26:33
c97415e Update Submodules for develop at 2021/12/22 22:38:02
9c7d89b Update Submodules for develop at 2021/12/22 22:35:04
1112920 modules/sw_peripherals: Use spi_bitbang driver
36c75aa sdk/modules/sw_peripherals: Add software peripherals
18891be modules/mbedtls_stub: Fix due to interface changes of the parse function
211dd74 system: Add boardid command
39a9faf Update Submodules for develop at 2021/12/22 12:50:26
0e27872 LICENCE: Update the LICENSE file for v2.4.0
e4aa3a6 lte_awsiot: Fix error handling for lte_awsiot
39e71c2 Update Submodules for develop at 2021/12/17 21:57:44
b8f85d4 Rename websocket_xxx defconfig to lte_websocket_xxx and enable by itself
f053d72 externals/websocket: Add websocket_gmocoin example for websocket library
9bfe011 externals/websocket: Add websocket_bitbank example for websocket library
4be8bc3 externals/websocket: Enable read timeout in SSL case
0265ea2 externals/websocket: Fix handshake error 0x7200 case
21b72d4 externals/websocket: Remove unused additional code
3771eae examples/lte_lwm2m: Convert local time to UTC time
a17f847 configs: Update examples/lte_lwm2m defconfig
f1674f2 examples/lte_lwm2m: Reboot when network is disconnected
fc66159 examples/lte_lwm2m: Implement some objects
783fdd9 examples/lte_lwm2m: Implement location object
24dec30 examples/lte_lwm2m: Implement device object
96110ba examples/lte_lwm2m: Fix memory leak by SIGINT
11b4d67 examples/lte_lwm2m: Fix compile error without tinydtls
28434af examples/lte_lwm2m: Enable SIGINT
e6e76f7 examples/lte_lwm2m: Fix command input
efa014f examples/lte_lwm2m: Correct define name
1a1fd75 examples/lte_lwm2m: Fix command error when running multiple times
6943df8 examples/lte_lwm2m: Fix usage message
aa0623a examples/lte_lwm2m: Fix compile error without LWM2M_BOOTSTRAP
97a9101 examples/lte_lwm2m: Remove unnecessary definition
b7b6c12 examples/lte_lwm2m: Fix compile warnings
9e203b6 examples/lte_lwm2m: Update the base version
c626ff8 externals/lwm2m/wakaama: Fix memory leak
6d74fcb externals/lwm2m/wakaama: Add missing prototype declarations
cd985c9 externals/lwm2m/wakaama: Support configuration
0350419 externals/lwm2m/wakaama: Fix compile warnings
9d1bcb7 externals/lwm2m: Update wakaama library
beb214c Update Submodules for develop at 2021/12/16 20:42:03
bed3ef6 examples: Add examples related SMS feature
7d58aa1 modules/audio : Support I2S Inputs
887a229 configs/device/isx019: Add defconfig
cd24229 configs/device/isx012: Add defconfig
c8a36d7 examples/fwupdate: Add support for sysutil
1a74a5e Update Submodules for develop at 2021/12/13 17:56:28
ce9d005 utils/uconv: Fix not to return ENOBUFS
bde05d1 system/lte_sysctl: Supports the NIDD feature
375ecba externals/vtun: Restrict to use EXTERNALS_MBEDTLS
245cb8a externals/vtun: Use PF_USRSOCK domain to notice VTUN state
f54051c externals/vtun: Notify vtun status for usrsock daemon
095021e Update Submodules for develop at 2021/12/13 17:39:31
f8f7ed8 mkversion.sh: Update SDK version to SDK2.4.0
d9e2579 bluetooth/hal/bcm20706: Fix uninitialized issue
10dd365 examples/dnnrt_lenet: Add an example NNB model file
448fae7 Externals/awsiot: Modify to separate descriptions about CONFIG
3267612 Examples/lte_awsiot: Modify to enable output for debugging
faf2eed examples/dnnrt_lenet: Fix README
88def54 externals/nnablart: Update NNabla C Runtime lib
607e742 externals/nnablart: Update NNabla C Runtime lib
5014c47 configs: Remove FWUPUTILS_MANAGER
b18dc96 modules/fwuputils: Simplify firmware update module
5ef28df README: Add twitter follower badge
a99a959 externals/nnablart: Update NNabla C Runtime lib
8ad872c sysutil: Update defconfig
cfd4869 system: Add startup script for sysutil
7a7aab8 externals/libjpeg: Fix a definition of temporary directory
4f99d84 Update Submodules for develop at 2021/12/03 22:32:19
1a1f398 configs: camera: Add VIDEO_ISX019 to defconfig
7199ec2 examples: Fix jobserver unavailable warning
169dd21 examples/dnnrt_lenet: Install DNNRT-MP ELF file
1036311 modules/dnnrt: Add DNNRT MP based on MPCOMM
4c6991a fix memory leak with mqtt disconnect
0e31289 examples/mpcomm_prime: Fix buffer overrun
843d95c Update Submodules for develop at 2021/11/16 22:32:27
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@1dcc4f0 drivers/modem/alt1250: Add LwM2M URC handler
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@7949c0c drivers/modem/alt1250: Fix bug that enter pin would fail
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@197ae87 drivers/spi/spi_bitbang: Add private data on spi_bitbang
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@3af1d59 drivers/modem/alt1250: Fix parameter that did not require pointer variable
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@2776696 drivers/modem/alt1250: Fix LTE event handling
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@ac5ecba drivers/video/isx019: Support clip
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@c1a682b drivers/video: Support clip
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@ada4924 drivers/video/isx019: Support JPEG quality setting
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@a268c64 drivers/video/isx019: Fix maximum value of AWB setting
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@d0763bd drivers/video/isx019: Support gamma adjustment
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@26a5d7b drivers/video/isx019: Support ISO sensitivity
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@a3931c7 include/nuttx/net: Fix bug that time zone was not displayed correctly
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@d9ebaf8 drivers/video/isx019: Fix initialization value setting
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@76c43e8 fs/smartfs: Fix file size corruption when opening with truncate mode
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@87dcba1 Revert "fs/smartfs: Fix file size corruption when opening with overwriting mode"
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@c6c15ae drivers/modem/alt1250: Fix bug where obtained address was wrong
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@256489a drivers/modem/alt1250: Support SMS feature
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@c6dfc2c boards:cxd56xx/drivers/audio Fix minor bugs
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@b7761ef boards: cxd56xx: audio: Support I2S input
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@c9ef051 include/nuttx/wireless/lte: Add macros related to lapi command
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@9716bab socket: Add PF_USRSOCK for controling network daemon with UsrSock
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@49e5c93 net: Add socket type switch command for VPN function
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@fe13ea3 net/socket: Change fallback condition to -EPROTONOSUPPORT
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@4379ac4 net/socket: Reset psock parameters for kernel stack
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@5547603 Revert "net/socket: Don't skip return -ENETDOWN in usrsock case"
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@a014a2d drivers/modem/alt1250: Supports the NIDD feature
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@0ec5130 drivers/video: Fix bug that is_available() is false
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@3f86dcf drivers/video/isx019: Add configuration of HDR mode
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@e3d982d boards: cxd56xx: Add board serial string for usb devices
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@b431e26 usbdev: Add board unique serial string support
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@3f59be7 drivers/video: Add ISX019 image sensor
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@530e56a drivers/video: Enable to select connected image sensor driver at runtime
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@b3ff86c drivers/video: Support ioctl(VIDIOC_QUERYCAP)
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx@86f84cd boards: cxd56xx: Change pin initialization timing for camera
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx-apps@2b25a47 lte/alt1250: Add event interface for LwM2M
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx-apps@6f0690f lte/alt1250: Add reset sequence for LwM2M
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx-apps@58b1476 lte/alt1250: Fix nxtyle
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx-apps@46ad004 lte/alt1250: Fix bug where it would get stuck when turned on
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx-apps@787a9dc lte/alt1250: Add reset sequence for LwM2M stub
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx-apps@5002125 lte/alt1250: Fix handling of Lapi command without composer
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx-apps@93903c2 lte/alt1250: Fix bug that stuck in the firmware update API
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx-apps@f466cf3 lte/alt1250: Fix bug that API related to event would get stuck
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx-apps@ed692a1 lte/alt1250: Fix bug that could not receive the sent data
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx-apps@4bf89c4 lte/alt1250: Fix the return value of socket
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx-apps@d9062d5 lte/alt1250: Fix bug that reconnecting to the network was stuck
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx-apps@c26e767 lte/alt1250: Fix a bug that stuck recvfrom
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx-apps@06db8fd lte/alt1250: Fix the bug that no error was returned
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx-apps@0f47934 lte/alt1250: Fix a bug that the FW version was not correct
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx-apps@b7bcc68 lte/alt1250: Support SMS feature
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx-apps@08b9e9b lte/alt1250: Add command sequence on reset device
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx-apps@3ffa597 lte/alt1250: Fix bug that the container is not free
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx-apps@ae8c11f lte/alt1250: Fix bug that callback would not be performed
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx-apps@9e2954b lte/lapi: Use PF_USRSOCK for using ioctl Socket API
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx-apps@bf52678 lte/alt1250: Support SIOCDENYINETSOCK to use VPN
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx-apps@19323da lte/alt1250: Fix a bug where ifup would get stuck
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx-apps@8f86d98 lte/lapi/src: Supports the NIDD feature
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx-apps@964fc90 wapi, gs2200m, wiznet: Use PF_USRSOCK for using ioctl Socket API
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx-apps@d781875 gs2200m: Support SIOCDENYINETSOCK to use VPN
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx-apps@9211356 wiznet: Support SIOCDENYINETSOCK to use VPN
sonydevworld/spresense-nuttx-apps@710a476 lte/alt1250: Refactor the implementation