v3.0.0 (2022-01-05)
Closed issues:
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #92
- Prepare Solidus Easypost for Solidus 3.0 #88
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #77
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #76
- README is incompatible with latest rubygems release #73
- Unable to Handle Refunds Out of the Box #58
Merged pull requests:
- fix new cops #102 (ccarruitero)
- fix webhooks handler setup and allow customize #100 (ccarruitero)
- relax ruby version to support ruby 3.0 #99 (ccarruitero)
- Add custom parcel dimension calculator class #98 (vassalloandrea)
- Update gemspec to allow Solidus 3 #94 (vassalloandrea)
- Prepare extension for solidus 3.0 #89 (ccarruitero)
- Allow tracking packages via EasyPost #87 (aldesantis)
- Upgrade extension to latest defaults #86 (aldesantis)
- Allow admins to download postage labels #84 (aldesantis)
- Update extension with latest solidus_dev_support defaults #82 (aldesantis)
- Streamline and reorganize tests for better reliability #81 (aldesantis)
- Extract EasyPost object builders into separate classes #80 (aldesantis)
- Improve extension extendability #79 (aldesantis)
- Update extension to latest defaults from solidus_dev_support #78 (aldesantis)
v2.0.0 (2020-07-24)
Breaking changes:
- keep same namespace in all files #68 (ccarruitero)
Closed issues:
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #59
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #57
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #56
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #54
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #53
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #52
- Config is now frozen. #49
- Easypost rate is bought twice #42
- UPS carrier doesn't allow empty company name in
#41 - Exception thrown by Estimator #35
- rake railties:install:migrations #30
- Easypost Migrations aren't working #22
- Missing for 2.1 solidus? #18
- Charge customer different amount? #17
- 1.3.0 seems to be empty #15
- Uninitialized constant EasyPost Error #14
Merged pull requests:
- Extension cleanup #74 (aldesantis)
- Standardize whitespace in README #72 (brchristian)
- Fix deprecation warning in engine.rb #71 (brchristian)
- Update README.md #70 (brchristian)
- Relax solidus_support dependency #65 (kennyadsl)
- Upgrade to the latest solidus_dev_support #60 (vassalloandrea)
- Fix CONFIGS constant not being modifiable #51 (aldesantis)
- Reorganize and improve tests #50 (aldesantis)
- Adopt solidus_extension_dev_tools #48 (aldesantis)
- Use different easypost_address for the stock locations #43 (vassalloandrea)
- Fix broken Rails 6 build #40 (aldesantis)
- Adopt CircleCI instead of Travis #39 (aldesantis)
- Fixing Travis #38 (spaghetticode)
- Add Rubocop for linting #37 (aitbw)
- Lock SQLite3 to version 1.3 #34 (aitbw)
- Use dynamic attributes on factories #33 (aitbw)
- add solidus_easypost file #32 (peterberkenbosch)
- Add Solidus v2.8 to Travis config #31 (aitbw)
- Spec suite maintenance #29 (aitbw)
- Remove 2.2 from CI (EOL) #28 (jacobherrington)
- Remove versions past EOL from .travis.yml #26 (jacobherrington)
- Add Solidus 2.3-2.7 to .travis.yml #25 (jacobherrington)
- Support Solidus 1.3 and beyond #19 (jhawthorn)
- Add the require pry to spec helper #7 (qr8r)
- Fix multiple version testing #5 (jhawthorn)
v1.0.4 (2016-10-03)
v1.0.3 (2016-07-20)
v1.0.2 (2016-03-14)
Merged pull requests:
- Update Gemspec #4 (qr8r)
- Version 1.0.0 #3 (qr8r)
- Add a travis config file #2 (qr8r)
- Fix address decorator spec #1 (travisp)
solidus-1.0.2 (2015-12-08)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator