- Integrate Facebook authentication to your Xamarin app
- Login to your Azure Portal
- Create a new Mobile App
- Enter a name, choose or create a Resource group and an App Service Plan
- Remember the URL of your mobile service (
), you'll need it for the facebook setup
- Open the Facebook Developer page
- Create a new app
- Select Website (not Android)
- Choose App Review and make your facebook app public
- Choose Settings and set up your facebook app
- Copy the App ID and the App Secret from the facebook Portal
- Switch to your Mobile App in the Azure Portal
- Click on Authentication / Authorization
- Set App Service Authentication to On
- Configure Facebook Authentication provider
- Click on OK
- Discuss the advantages of creating interfaces in the portable project (the platform specific implementations will be added to the Android project)
- Create a folder named Auth
- Create a new interface IAuthenticate
public interface IAuthenticate { Task<bool> Authenticate(); bool IsAuthenticated { get; } }
- Create a new interface ILoginManager
public interface ILoginManager { void ShowMainPage(); void ShowLogin(); }
- Open the App.cs file
- Add an Authenticator to your App class and initialize it
public static IAuthenticate Authenticator { get; private set; } public static void Init(IAuthenticate authenticator) { Authenticator = authenticator; }
- Add a Forms Xaml View named LoginPage.xaml to your Views-folder
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <ContentPage x:Class="Hanselman.Portable.Views.LoginPage" xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2009/xaml" xmlns:controls="clr-namespace:ImageCircle.Forms.Plugin.Abstractions;assembly=ImageCircle.Forms.Plugin.Abstractions" Title="{Binding Title}"> <ContentPage.Content> <StackLayout HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" Spacing="30" VerticalOptions="Center"> <Label FontSize="30" HorizontalOptions="Center" Text="Welcome, please sign-in" /> <Button x:Name="loginButton" Clicked="loginButton_Clicked" FontSize="20" HorizontalOptions="Center" MinimumHeightRequest="30" Text="Sign-in with Facebook" VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand" /> </StackLayout> </ContentPage.Content> </ContentPage>
- Add some code-behind code in the LoginPage.xaml.cs
public partial class LoginPage : ContentPage { private readonly ILoginManager loginManager; public LoginPage(ILoginManager loginManager) { InitializeComponent(); this.loginManager = loginManager; BindingContext = new BaseViewModel { Title = "Hanselman.Forms" }; } public async void loginButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { // See App.OnResume to see what happens after login await App.Authenticator.Authenticate(); } }
- Add code to your App.cs class
- Implement the ILoginManager interface (ShowMainPage, ShowLogin)
- Set the main page to your newly created LoginPage
- Override the OnResume method
public class App : Application, ILoginManager { public App() { MainPage = new LoginPage(this); } public static IAuthenticate Authenticator { get; private set; } public static void Init(IAuthenticate authenticator) { Authenticator = authenticator; } protected override void OnResume() { if (Authenticator.IsAuthenticated) { this.ShowMainPage(); } else { this.ShowLogin(); } } public void ShowMainPage() { MainPage = new RootPage(); } public void ShowLogin() { MainPage = new LoginPage(this); } }
- Add the NuGet package
to your portable project - Add a new class ServiceClientManager to your root folder
public class ServiceClientManager { private static ServiceClientManager instance; private ServiceClientManager() { this.Client = new MobileServiceClient(new Uri("http://<YOUR_MOBILE_SERVICE>.azurewebsites.net/")); } public MobileServiceClient Client { get; private set; } public static ServiceClientManager Instance { get { if (instance == null) { instance = new ServiceClientManager(); } return instance; } } }
Open MainActivity.cs
Add a private field called user and a property IsAuthenticated
private MobileServiceUser user; public bool IsAuthenticated { get; private set; }
before LoadApplication in the OnCreate method -
Implement IAuthenticate interface in MainActivity
Add Authenticate method
public async Task<bool> Authenticate() { this.IsAuthenticated = false; var message = string.Empty; try { // Sign in with Facebook login using a server-managed flow. user = await ServiceClientManager.Instance.Client.LoginAsync(this, MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider.Facebook); if (user != null) { message = string.Format("you are now signed-in as {0}.", user.UserId); this.IsAuthenticated = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO: show error dialog message = ex.Message; } return this.IsAuthenticated; }