A Deno-based NNTP client.
Each request to the NNTP server results in a Response
containing the
status code, status text, headers, and/or a ReadbleStream
import { Client } from "https://deno.land/x/nntp/mod.ts";
const client: Client = await Client.connect({
hostname: "localhost",
port: 119,
const response: Response = await client.capabilities();
body: await response.text(),
More exxamples can be found in examples
export interface NNTPClient {
capabilities(keyword?: string): Promise<Response>
modeReader(): Promise<Response>
quit(): Promise<Response>
group(group?: string): Promise<Response>
listgroup(group?: string, range?: string): Promise<Response>
last(): Promise<Response>
next(): Promise<Response>
article(number?: number): Promise<Response>
article(messageId?: string): Promise<Response>
head(number?: number): Promise<Response>
head(messageId?: string): Promise<Response>
body(number?: number): Promise<Response>
body(messageId?: string): Promise<Response>
stat(number?: number): Promise<Response>
stat(messageId?: string): Promise<Response>
post(article: Article): Promise<Response>
ihave(messageId: string, article: Article): Promise<Response>
date(): Promise<Response>
help(): Promise<Response>
newgroups(date: string, time: string, isGMT?: boolean): Promise<Response>
newnews(wildmat: wildmat, date: string, time: string, isGMT?: boolean): Promise<Response>
list(keyword?: string, arg?: wildmat|parameter): Promise<Response>
over(messageId?: string): Promise<Response>
over(range?: string): Promise<Response>
over(arg?: string): Promise<Response>
hdr(field: string, messageId?: string): Promise<Response>
hdr(field: string, range?: string): Promise<Response>
hdr(field: string, arg?: string): Promise<Response>
authinfo(username: string, password?: string): Promise<Response>