Date: 2019-07-01
Log date: 2019-11-05
We decided to use the Clean Architecture (ADR #10) and create Rich Domain Models (ADR #11) for each module. We need to define or use some construction elements / building blocks to implement our architecture and business logic.
We decided to use Domain-Driven Design tactical patterns. They focus on the Domain Model implementation. Especially we will use the following building blocks:
- Command - public method on Aggregate (behavior)
- Domain Event - the immutable class which represents important fact occurred on a special point of time (behavior)
- Entity - class with identity (identity cannot change) with mutable attributes which represents concept from domain
- Value Object - immutable class without an identity which represents concept from domain
- Aggregate - cluster of domain objects (Entities, Value Objects) with one class entry point (Entity as Aggregate Root) which defines the boundary of transaction/consistency and protects business rules and invariants
- Repository - collection-like abstraction to persist and load particular Aggregate
- Domain Service - stateless service to execute some business logic which does not belong to any of Entity/Value Object
- We need to define entities and value objects
- We need to define aggregates boundaries
- We need to add repositories for each aggregate
- We can invoke only public methods on Aggregate Roots, everything else should be hidden
- Developers need to be familiar with DDD tactical patterns