npm i @snorreeb/sanity-iframe-api-react
In your React-component:
import { usePreviewData } from '@snorreeb/sanity-iframe-api-react'
function MyPage({ prefetchedData }) {
const data = usePreviewData({
sanityClientVersion: "2021-06-01",
// groq MUST contain _rev projected at the top level
groqQuery: "* [_type='my-page' && _id == $id]{_rev, ...}[0]",
queryParams: (doc) => ({id: doc._id}), // default
initialData: prefetchedData,
enabled: () => /* when url contains query param sanityPreview=true */ // default
return <div>{data.title}</div>
// When this component is loaded in an iframe, embedded in IFramePreview in Sanity Studio,
// it will receive updated data whenever the Studio makes edits.
See jsdocs for each config-parameter for details.
The hook will only load the relevant preview when the enabled prop resolves to true. To avoid putting your GROQ-query in the main bundle, you might want to lazy load it:
function MyPage() {
const data = usePreviewData({
groqQuery: () => import("./my-groq-query").then((module) => module.myGroqQuery),
enabled: () => whenCondtionPermits
return <div>{data.title}</div>
React-hooks are very particular about React-version, and do not seem to work
well with npm link
. The most bulletproof way of testing this package is therefore:
cd to/this/package
npm pack
cp <package-tar file> /path/to/nextjs/node_modules
cd /path/to/nextjs
npm install ./node_modules/<package-tar file>
- Revert package.json when done testing.