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For this call, you are encouraged to turn your video on. This is a good way to build rapport given we are a large, disparate group experiencing a lot of churn.
This document is live-edited DURING each call, and stable/authoritative copies live on our github repo under /agenda.md . Please note that we might not notice a pullrequest in time, but you are free to propose agenda items for future meetings via hackmd.
Meeting information
- Before your contribute - join DIF and sign the WG charter (both are required!)
- Time: biweekly on Tuesdays @ 15:00-16:00 ET
- Calendar entry
- Zoom room, Meeting ID: 814 9833 4461, Password: 880986,
Topics for upcoming meetings
- topic 1 (to be discussed on this date)
- topic 2 (to be discussed on this date)
- topic n. (tbd)
Meeting - 12 Jan 2021 - (1500 ET) recording
- Welcome and introductions
- C&C WG participation tracking
- Agenda creation/review/prioritization
- Presentation by Alexander Yenkalov (Spherity)
- Accepted WorkItems:
- Credential Manifest
Weekly Thu 1PM EST
- VC Marketplace
Weekly Tue 8AM EST
- Credential Manifest
- Workitem Status: Presentation Exchange
Comments on the Draft are welcome through 03:59 UTC/GMT on 2021-01-22 (23:59 Boston time on 2021-01-22) and should be provided as issues raised on the specification’s GitHub repository.
- Workitem Status: Credential Manifest
- Workitem Status: VC Marketplace
- DIF F2F - Group Presentation
- WorkItem Presentation: PE, CM, Marketplace
- Community Feedback
- Outlook / Next Steps
- Alexander of Spherity introduces Revocation Method: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ArGkOQQUTPgdTpehbhcUU8N5O3enW81qQYwGxxaNTiI/edit
Meeting - 15 Dez 2020 - (1500 ET) recording
- Welcome and introductions
- C&C WG participation tracking
- Agenda creation/review/prioritization
- Workitem Proposal Review:
- Credential Manifest (Kickoff on 12/17)
- VC Marketplace
- Workitem Status: Presentation Exchange
- Blog Article around the PE 0.1.0 Release
- Possible Future Workitems:
- Credential Schemas and Ontologys
- Credential Revocation
- Outlook / Next Steps
- Closing last issues for an official 0.1.0 transition
- Please raise last-minute issues in person on Thursdays weekly meetings
- Credential Manifest (Kickoff on 12/17)
- Credential Manifest Specification is in unchanged "Strawman" Status since the beginning of the year. Focus has been on the Presentation Exchange workitem.
- With the release of PE 0.1.0 specification, we are "relaunching" the CM spec into official C&C workitem status
- Thursday PE Meetings will transition into regular CM Meeting Specifications
- 7-day objection period for workitem from today's meeting
- Foused on Use Cases (Outcome is not a specification, but User Journeys)
- Example Use Case:
- Incentives for the Credential Ecosystem: How can a Marketplace create natural incentive layers for issuing and exchanging verifiable credentials.
- How can Marketplace layer accelerate the interoperability between different "identity networks"
- Specification will likely generate requirements for existing specs like Presentation Exchange or Credential Manifest
- 7-day objection period for workitem from today's meeting
- Aries RFCs and their Integration of PE and CM specifications.
- Aries-GO plans full support of BBS+ and PE and the end of Q1/2021
- Kunal: Status on Schema Work: Martin will reach out.
Meeting - 01 Dez 2020 - (1500 ET) recording
- Welcome and introductions
- C&C WG participation tracking
- Agenda creation/review/prioritization
- Upcoming workitem(s) (proposals):
- Credential Manifest
- VC Marketplace
- DIF-Managed Credential Ontology and Tooling
- Workitem Status: Presentation Exchange
- Outlook / Next Steps
- Introductions
- Update Jace around WACI
- Workitems:
- Inform about VC Marketplace Workitem: Candidates:
- In addition to existing: KILT, Civic
- Credential Ontology and Tooling: What should the output to the group be: JSON Schemas, JSON-LD Contexts, Overlab with CCG Vocubulary. Workitem + Affinidi. Getting people at the table.
- Martin will setup mail.
- Recovation Workitem TBD (discuss with Gabe.)
Meeting - 17 Nov 2020 - (1500 ET) recording
- Welcome and introductions
- C&C WG participation tracking
- Agenda creation/review/prioritization
- Bloom Presentation: The Wallet Credential Interactions Spec Proposal by Jace Hensley
- Next steps: Credential Schemas (e.g. Affinidi & others)
- MS Status Protocol Implementation (e.g. for Credential Revocation)
- Workitem Status: Presentation Exchange
- Go Implementation Workday
- JSONPath / Ontology Discussion Recap
- Open Issues
- Workitem Status: Credentials Manifest calls
- Outlook / Next Steps
- Intros: Jace from Bloom
- WACI Interaction Spec (WAKEE)
- Discussion around Credential Schema and Ontology for JWT AND JSON-LD Contexts.
- Setup reusable artifacts to build ontologys, like template repositories. (e.g. base definition of spec and how to build novel ontologies from there). Example citizenship ontology. Generation as a npm package. Best practices. Reuse of existing URI. Action: Martin Setup concrete next steps for the next C&C meeting.
- Presentation Daniel Buchner: Hash Field Status List. Privacy extensions to the bitstring recovcation list concept.
- Workitem Status for PE & CM on Thursday.
Meeting - 03 Nov 2020 - (1500 ET) recording
- Welcome and introductions
- C&C WG participation tracking
- Agenda creation/review/prioritization
- Affinidi Core SDK and industry-specific schema presentation by @Kamal Laungani (Affinidi).
- [All] IIW recap (in relation to C&C)
- Workitem Status: Presentation Exchange
- Talk about starting up Credentials Manifest calls
- Outlook / Next Steps (edited)
- Introduction Kamal from Affinidi
- IPR Reminder
- New Agenda Point: Credential Manifest next steps
- Affinidi Core SDK and industry-specific schema presentation by @Kamal Laungani (Affinidi).
- [IIW Recap]:
- Gabe: Hosted Session on Revocation @Workday. Contribute to DIF. Link to previous presentation at DIF.
- Stephen: Talk about future Revocation Mechansims for Aries/Indy
- Wayne: Presentation Exchange. Convergance of many standards with similar goals (OpenID Connect Credentials Profile: Verifiable Credential as Identity Token.). DID for generating Identity Token(?). SIOP. WebID. How to extend browser capabilities with a key-based credentialing system. (Overlap to Chapi) GNAP: "OAuth3".
- Daniel: 2-3 new envelope formats. PE importance grows.
- Presentation Exchange Status:
- 2 PRs:
- Multiple Schema identifiers
- Holder Binding between credentials
- Editoral side wrapping up
- Test Vectors after a 1.0 Draft version
- 2 PRs:
- Workitem Credential Manifest
- Reuse existing Presentation Exchange call time and shift focus towards Credential Manifest.
- Review Daniel Status
- First Meeting next Thursday
- Welcome and introductions
- ID WG participation tracking
- Agenda creation/review/prioritization
- [All] IIW recap
-proposals here-
-attendees here-