Track the amount of XP you're set to gain at turn-in.
This is an addon for World of Warcraft Classic (set to release on August 27. 2019).
- This addon adds a status bar that summarizes your total experience quest reward, from all currently completable quests in your quest log.
- The bar keeps track of your current and required experience and will show you when you have saved up enough experience to go back to your quest hub to ding.
- (optional) Quest that require you to “speak with” some NPC are included as completed.
- (optional) Quests that are not yet completed are shown on the bar with green fill/texture.
- Options panel allows for slight configuration.
Hopefully, the addon lets you decide whether or not you need to a grind a few extra mobs before returning to town, to avoid running back and forth.
/tqxp options Opens the Addon page for the addon.
/tqxp unlock Unlock the frame and enable drag.
- Hold LEFT mouse button (on the frame) to move.
- Hold RIGHT mouse button (on the frame) to resize.
/tqxp lock Lock the frame and disable drag.
/tqxp reset Resets the position and size of the frame.
/tqxp help Print help message.