The purpose of these tests is to find out how well each storage solution performs when we need to perform maintenance on a node in the cluster or if a node in the cluster suddnely becomes unhealthy.
- Make sure elasticsearch is deployed before proceeding with any further steps here.
- Make sure you have installed prometheus/grafana, steps can be found here
- Ensure you have added the elasticsearch exporter dashboard in to grafana
There is a helm chart to run these jobs here. Just run the following in that directory:
helm install nyc . --values nyc-values.yaml
Follow these steps:
- Once this is running, wait 30minutes as it takes a while to get started.
- Drain one of the nodes that is hosting one of the es-data pods, make sure you check what node each es-data-* pod is runing. Try to avoid draining grafana and especially prometheus and of course the nyc_taxis job. If you have to get rid of one, just go with grafana.
You will need to run the following command to evict daemonsets adn persistent data:
kubectl drain <node> --ignore-daemonsets --force --delete-local-data
Monitor activity of cluster, grab screen shots from grafana.
Get output of logs from the nyc_taxis job, to see how performance was affected.
kubectl logs nyc-taxi-xxxx
Ran esrally drained node Failover is almost seamless, have tried a few attempts at this and one time the init container took approx 5 min to complete but mostly always been a few seconds. Important - wait for esrally to download packages and start running and creating indexes. This puts the storage under more stress and gives more work to do.
Linstor doesnt re-allocate replicas when a node is drained or fails. You can do this manually but this is complicated asyou have to do per pvc adn there is no friendly GUI:
# Needs to be run on all pvc's:
linstor resource-definition auto-place pvc-...
This gives it an unfair advantage as storageOS does all this for you without any manual input.
There is a helm chart to run these jobs here. Just run the following in that directory:
helm install nyc . --values nyc-values.yaml
Follow these steps:
Once this is running, wait 30minutes as it takes a while to get started.
Next, depending on where you have deployed kubernetes, shutdown one of servers. Make sure as before, you check what node each es-data-* pod is running. Try to avoid draining grafana and especially prometheus and of course the nyc_taxis job. If you have to get rid of one, just go with grafana.
wait 5 minutes, after this you shoujld see pods status change to
the nodes state should also change to
If on bare metal - If no healthchecks have been configured in the cluster, nothing will get terminated as kubernetes does not know what happened to the node.
- Delete the failed node:
``bash kubectl delete
There is now a manual step to delete the failed node from the storage cluster follow these steps:
Access from the gui, select `nodes` and delete the failed node.
As there is no GUI, run the following:
kubectl exec linstor-op-cs-controller-0 -- linstor node lost <node>
You should now see the pods initializing and after a few minutes everything should be up and running again.
Check grafana that the cluster is in a healthy state
Grab the outputs from nyc_taxis job