Query a Azure SQL Database using natural language.
Blog Post: https://slsu0424.github.io/interact-critical-care-data-using-natural-language/
- Database: Azure SQL 12.0.2000.8
- Database Driver: ODBC driver 18 for SQL Server
- Python: 3.11.6
- OS: MacOS 12.7.1
- VS Code: 1.84.1
This project can be run in a virtual environment or local machine.
To install required packages, navigate to the project directory and run:
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
To install unixODBC, run:
$ brew install unixodbc
To install Microsoft ODBC Driver on MacOS, run:
$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"
$ brew tap microsoft/mssql-release https://github.com/Microsoft/homebrew-mssql-release
$ brew update
$ HOMEBREW_ACCEPT_EULA=Y brew install msodbcsql18 mssql-tools18
: Load into Azure SQL Database
: Run after data is loaded
: SQL statements to query Azure SQL Database
: Compare results from natural language prompts vs. SQL statements
As mentioned in the blog post, there are known issues with the ODBC Driver on MacOS. Be sure to follow this guide if errors are encountered.
If needed, make the following changes via Terminal:
$ brew install [email protected]
$ rm -rf $(brew --prefix)/opt/openssl version=$(ls $(brew --prefix)/Cellar/[email protected] | grep "1.1")
$ ln -s $(brew --prefix)/Cellar/[email protected]/$version $(brew --prefix)/opt/openssl