The app is now live!
Simple app for running through the 2022 USCIS Civics Test. Features include:
- Quiz questions with written answer prompts rather than multiple choice (real interview isn't multiple choice, but all apps seem to be)
- Go through the entire pool of questions
- Only ask missed questions after the first iteration
- Option to reset pool of known questions
- Marketed by my cat
- Has a sweet cat logo
The app is functional enough for me to study for my interview in three days. That said, there are some bugs left:
- Quiz Activity view issues
- Buttons don't shrink with the soft keyboard enabled
- Text input field has an extra line above
- Pressing enter in the text input field should submit the answer
- Question field should be using the screen space better (reduce button sizes)
- Question field should be scrollable
- Submitting an empty string is 'correct' - sounds like a feature to run quickly through questions you know the answers to, towards the end of studying
- Some of the questions don't have any answers set because they're state-specific
- Some of the questions don't have any answers set because they're time-specific (update for 2022)
- App crashes after the last question
- Indexing is wrong: first question doesn't show up
Stretch goals:
- Display scores, store them between state resets
- Automatically pull the USCIS PDF on startup and import it
- Use localized answers for state-specific questions
- Release a generic quizzing framework
- Set the font size within the app
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International